When I am doing es.search using pyelasticsearch I am able to get results,
but doing REST API, I do not get results. Please help. Thanks
searchdoc yields results but rest api gives 0 hits.
py elastic search settings:
bodyquery = {
"custom_score": {
"script" : "_score *
"query": {
"query_string": {"query": "Arvind", "fields":
["text", "title^3", "domain"]}
REST API query:
My indexing settings are:
'settings': {
'analysis': {
'analyzer': {
'my_ngram_analyzer' : {
'tokenizer' :
'filter': {
'my_synonym_filter': {
'type': 'synonym',
'format': 'wordnet',
'tokenizer' : {
'my_ngram_tokenizer' : {
'type' : 'nGram',
'min_gram' : '1',
'max_gram' : '50'
'mappings': {
'article': {
'_all': {
'enabled': False
'_source': {
'compressed': True
'properties': {
'tags': {
'type': 'string',
Thanks. Please advise.
Pratik Poddar
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