NO(too many shards on node for attribute: [rack], required per attribute: [1], node count: [2], leftover: [0])]

We have total 6 nodes in our cluster, when i tried to assign an unassigned shards as below I get the following error
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -d '{
"commands" : [ {
"allocate" : {
"index" : "vts_companydirectory_20170625_2040",
"shard" : 32,
"node" : ""

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"remote_transport_exception","reason":"[][][cluster:admin/reroute]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"[allocate] allocation of [vts_companydirectory_20170625_2040][32] on node {}{qu_wNMMfTUmvSNZE7qDraA}{}{}{max_local_storage_nodes=1, rack=rack.10-0-2, master=true} is not allowed, reason: [YES(shard is not allocated to same node or host)][YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][YES(shard count under index limit [10] and node limit [-1] of total shards per node)][YES(target node version [2.3.3] is same or newer than source node version [2.3.3])][YES(primary is already active)][YES(shard not primary or relocation disabled)][YES(node passes include/exclude/require filters)][YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][YES(enough disk for shard on node, free: [1.4tb])][NO(too many shards on node for attribute: [rack], required per attribute: [1], node count: [2], leftover: [0])][YES(below shard recovery limit of [10])]"},"status":400}

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