Non standard log

2018-06-13 13:45:04 DEBUG JAXBGenericUtils:33 - JAXBContext.newInstance(au.bdau.fasci.generated)
2018-06-13 13:45:04 DEBUG JAXBGenericUtils:169 - *** getObjectXML(String sa, JAXBContext jcpaut) ***
2018-06-13 13:45:04 DEBUG JAXBGenericUtils:172 - Unmarshaller: 'au.bdau.fasci.generated.impl.runtime.UnmarshallerImpl'
2018-06-13 13:45:04 DEBUG JAXBGenericUtils:175 - To StringBuffer (len=248):
<fas:CuaaBdna xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:fas="">

     <fas:CuaaBdna >00260239</fas:CuaaBdna >

2018-06-13 13:45:04 DEBUG JAXBGenericUtils:178 - OK: 'au.bdna.fasci.generated.impl.CuaaBdnaImpl'
2018-06-13 13:45:04 DEBUG JAXBGenericUtils:68 - *** validate ***

is the kind of log i should insert into elasticsearch using logstash.
What I need is to send from filebeat to a single message logstash the non standard message ( the one xml type ) . I tried using "multiline.pattern: ^< " from filebeat.yml with no success ... Who has an idea about what to do ? Thanks

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