I am trying to save data in elasticsearch database through REST API using SpringBoot.I am using the following in my application.yml file
username: xxxxx
password: xxxxx
host: xxxxx
node-name: xxxxx
cluster-name: xxxx
cluster-nodes: localhost:9300
ignore_cluster_name: true
I am keeping the Config File blank
On running the project I am getting the following logs
main org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService - {} - node {#transport#-1}{m-Y19jlaSfOhQNkqjzzDaw}{localhost}{} not part of the cluster Cluster [xxxxxx], ignoring...
[2020-04-20 18:42:14,881] ERROR failed to load elasticsearch nodes : org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available: [{#transport#-1}{m-Y19jlaSfOhQNkqjzzDaw}{localhost}{}] (org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.repository.support.AbstractElasticsearchRepository:91)
[INFO] 2020-04-20 18:42:15,476 main org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor - {} - Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
Apr 20, 2020 6:42:16 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
[INFO] 2020-04-20 18:42:16,094 main org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer - {} - Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
[INFO] 2020-04-20 18:42:16,098 main com.target.ejtricklearchiverks.Main - {} - Started Main in 5.014 seconds (JVM running for 5.708)
[WARN] 2020-04-20 18:42:19,475 elasticsearch[_client_][generic][T#2] org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService - {} - node {#transport#-1}{m-Y19jlaSfOhQNkqjzzDaw}{localhost}{} not part of the cluster Cluster [xxxxxxx], ignoring...
[WARN] 2020-04-20 18:42:24,496 elasticsearch[_client_][generic][T#1] org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService - {} - node {#transport#-1}{m-Y19jlaSfOhQNkqjzzDaw}{localhost}{} not part of the cluster Cluster [xxxxxxx], ignoring...
Can anyone please help with this error