Noob Help with duplicates

Hi Everyone,

I am seeing all messages duplicated when I search in Kibana.

Time _type MessageHeader.MessageId _id
March 15th 2017, 12:22:22.344 Rail2_chatter 2f7176cc-7bcd-4386-bed0-58ce971d90e1 AVrTa88VyOalNeB0_gFH
March 15th 2017, 12:22:22.344 Rail2_chatter 2f7176cc-7bcd-4386-bed0-58ce971d90e1 AVrTa88VyOalNeB0_gFI
March 15th 2017, 12:22:22.344 logs 2f7176cc-7bcd-4386-bed0-58ce971d90e1 AVrTa88qyOalNeB0_gFJ
March 15th 2017, 12:22:22.344 logs 2f7176cc-7bcd-4386-bed0-58ce971d90e1 AVrTa88qyOalNeB0_gFK

I have a unique field [MessageHeader][MessageId] where I only want to see that message once. These four message are the same (even the timestamps) with the exception of the _id and _type fields.

Here is the logstash config, redacted to protect the innocent servers:
input {
rabbitmq {
arguments => { 'x-ha-policy' => all }
... (stuff removed)
queue => 'logstash'
vhost => 'delphi'
rabbitmq {
arguments => { 'x-ha-policy' => all }
... (stuff removed)
queue => 'poshost01'
vhost => 'delphi'
filter {
if [MessageHeader] {
mutate {
replace => { "[MessageHeader][ProcessedTime]" => "%{@timestamp}" }
output {
if [SourceHeader][SourceType] == "Rail2" {
if [message][type] == "HEARTBEAT" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://[elasticsearch]:[port]"
index => "[indexname]"
document_type => "Rail2_heartbeat"
if [message][type] == "CHATTER" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://es01-lab:9200"
index => "[indexname]"
document_type => "Rail2_chatter"
if [SourceHeader][SourceType] == "POS.Host" {
if [message][type] == "HEARTBEAT" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://[elasticsearch]:[port]"
index => "[indexname]"
document_type => "POS.Host_heartbeat"
if [message][type] == "CHATTER" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://[elasticsearch]:[port]"
index => "[indexname]"
document_type => "POS.Host_chatter"

stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Looking at the config, I'm not sure where the doc type 'logs' came from, I would think we would only see the message once in the doc type 'Rail2_chatter'. Could the duplicates be because of the double input from rabbitmq?

How can I change the config to filter for unique instances of [MessageHeader][MessageId] ?

Thanks muchly!

not sure about the [message][type} if statements, as the message field is using a string, and I don't see you converting it with the [json] filter. Though I am not familiar with your data format.

I think there might be ways of simplifying your output section to be easier to read
For examole, on every Inputut I add a field called "dst_index" then in my elasticsearch output

I can do

if [dst_indes] =~ /heartbeat/



index => "%{dst_index}"


This allows me to treat the one heartbeat index differently

Also I like to add a tag to my input / filters and heck even outputs when debugging so I can see what block is processing the data.

hope this gives you some idea's

oh and if data is duplicated it is probably hitting multiple output statements

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