Not able show field in table visualization

I have created a dashboard for endpoints which show how many parameters in particular endpoints. I have made two indexes and I have created a data view using that two index according to camma separated index-pattern. the first index includes endpoint code and endpoint name . The second index includes endpoint code, parameter code, parameter name . Endpoint code is carried forward in the second index also which is for drill-down.i have used the table for Visualization, in rows j am show endpoint code and parameter code but when I choose endpoint name it shows me not found error in table because endpoint is not carried forward in second index so which approach should I used for show endpoints code, endpoint name and parameter code as well in table?
I have provided both index with data.
First index -
"endpoint_code": "APEX_LUCENE",
"endpoint_name": "APEX LUCENE"

Second index -
"parameter_code": "DISK_USAGE",
"parameter_name: "DISK USAGE",
"endpoint_code": "APEX_LUCENE"

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