Not able to make API call on Elasticsearch 6.x for index pattern management

We used to make the call below to Elasticsearch to get configuration information during kibana index management jobs. After moving from 5.x to 6.x I get this error:

2019-02-11 21:00:51,450 ERROR Unable to connect to Elasticsearch to get kibana version: 404 - {"_index":".kibana","_type":"config","_id":"6.4.0","found":false}

Here is context of the error (see call in bold)

get default kibana version

**res = get("/.kibana/config/" + kibana_version)**
res_body =
if res.status >= 400:
    logging.error("Unable to connect to Elasticsearch to get kibana version: " + str(res.status) + " - " + res_body)

    root = json.loads(res_body)
    logging.debug("Response body: ")
    blob += root["_source"]["defaultIndex"]
    logging.warn("Failed to read default index pattern: " + res_body)
return blob

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