I've written a NEST query that matches documents that have words in a string ("queryString" below). I want to filter out documents that contain the word "not". I've tried the boolean query but it doesn't filter out the documents. What am I doing wrong here?

var searchResponse2 = _EsClientDAL.Current.Search<DTO.riSmall>(s => s
                        .Query(q => q
                            .Bool(b => b
                                .Must(mu => mu
                                    .Match(m => m
                                        .Field(f => f.SceneText)
                                    mu => !mu
                                    .Term(p => p.SceneText, "not")
                        .Highlight(h => h
                                fs => fs
                                    .Field(p => p.SceneText)

The most succinct way to write your query would be using the overloaded operators for queries

var searchResponse = client.Search<MyDocument>(s => s
    .Query(q => q
        .Match(m => m
            .Field(f => f.SceneText)
        ) && !q
        .Term(p => p.SceneText, "not") 
    .Highlight(h => h
            fs => fs
                .Field(p => p.SceneText)

This is synonymous with the longer form

var searchResponse = client.Search<MyDocument>(s => s
    .Query(q => q
        .Bool(b => b
            .Must(mu => mu
                .Match(m => m
                    .Field(f => f.SceneText)
            .MustNot(mn => mn
                .Term(p => p.SceneText, "not")
    .Highlight(h => h
            fs => fs
                .Field(p => p.SceneText)

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