Not sure if a field is nill, null or empty. Help please

Hi All,
It's about barracuda FW log with the following entry
+02:00 Security XXX Block: type=FWD|proto=TCP|srcIF=eth0|srcIP=|srcPort=58570|srcMAC=00:00:00:00:00:00|dstIP=|dstPort=3002|dstService=exlm-agent|dstIF=|rule=L2GIS:<no-match>|info=Block no Rule Match|srcNAT=|dstNAT=|duration=0|count=1|receivedBytes=0|sentBytes=0|receivedPackets=0|sentPackets=0|user=|protocol=|application=|target=|content=|urlcat=

As you can see urlcat (the last field) end with nil, null or empty, not exactly sure.

My rubydebug output filter returns

The part of the regex I use for parsing is:

I tried with mutate and ruby to substitute the empty field with NA but it wont work.
I tried

ruby { code => "if event.get('URLCategory').nil?; event.set('tags', 'null-value');end" }
if "null-value" in [tags] { mutate { update => { "URLCategory" => "NA" } } }

ruby { code => "event['URLCategory'] = 'empty' if event['URLCategory'] == nil;" }

mutate { gsub => ["URLCategory", " ", "NA"] }

ruby {
                      code => '
               { |k, v|
                          if v == '' # Also ""
                             event.set(k, "NA")

  ruby {
    code => "if event.get('location').nil?; event.set('tags','null-value');end"
if "null-value" in [tags] { do something }

ruby {
                      code => '
               { |k, v|
                          if v.nil? # Also v.empty? and v == nil, ""
                             event.set(k, "NA")

Funny thing is that every other field that ends with | i did with ruby and it works just fine substituting | with N/A

ruby {
                      code => '
                        event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
                           if v == "|"
                              event.set(k, "N/A")

Could you please help.

What does the UrlCategory field look like in the rubydebug output?

Note that your regexp has UrlCategory but all your filters use URLCategory, which does not match.

Instead of

mutate { gsub => ["URLCategory", " ", "NA"] }

I suspect you want

mutate { gsub => ["UrlCategory", "", "NA"] }

Thank you @Badger

My rubydebug output @message returns
"message" => "+02:00 Security XXX Block: type=FWD|proto=TCP|srcIF=eth0|srcIP=|srcPort=58570|srcMAC=00:0d:48:51:33:24|dstIP=|dstPort=3002|dstService=exlm-agent|dstIF=|rule=L2GIS:<no-match>|info=Block no Rule Match|srcNAT=|dstNAT=|duration=0|count=1|receivedBytes=0|sentBytes=0|receivedPackets=0|sentPackets=0|user=|protocol=|application=|target=|content=|urlcat="

Otherwise I tried your solutions and it won't work.
If urlcat= it did nothing
if urlcat is not empty, e.g.
urlcat=Categorization in Progress (98)"
It messed it up as it shown Below is my rubydebug output (partial, for urlcat only)

I'll paste a two FW entry - one without urlcat value and one with

02:00 Security XXX Block: type=FWD|proto=TCP|srcIF=eth0|srcIP=|srcPort=58570|srcMAC=00:0d:48:51:33:24|dstIP=|dstPort=3002|dstService=exlm-agent|dstIF=|rule=L2GIS:<no-match>|info=Block no Rule Match|srcNAT=|dstNAT=|duration=0|count=1|receivedBytes=0|sentBytes=0|receivedPackets=0|sentPackets=0|user=|protocol=|application=|target=|content=|urlcat=

+02:00 Security daeifw01 Block: type=FWD|proto=TCP|srcIF=eth0|srcIP=|srcPort=58570|srcMAC=00:0d:48:51:33:24|dstIP=|dstPort=3002|dstService=exlm-agent|dstIF=|rule=L2GIS:<no-match>|info=Block no Rule Match|srcNAT=|dstNAT=|duration=0|count=1|receivedBytes=0|sentBytes=0|receivedPackets=0|sentPackets=0|user=|protocol=|application=|target=|content=|urlcat=Categorization in Progress (98)

I also paste my conf file filter plugin

filter {
        if [message] =~ "Security" or [message] =~ "Info" {
                grok { match => { "message" => "(?:Z|[+-]%{HOUR}(?::?%{MINUTE})) (?<LogLevel>\w+) (?<SourceSystem>[a-zA-Z0-9]+) (?<Action>\w+): type=(?<Type>\w+|\|)\|?proto=(?<L4Protocol>\w+|\|)\|?srcIF=(?<SrcInterface>[\w\s\d\.]+|\|)\|?srcIP=(?<SourceIP>[\d\.]+|\|)\|?srcPort=(?<SourcePort>[\d\.]+|\|)\|?srcMAC=(?<SourceMAC>[\d:\w]+|\|)\|?dstIP=(?<DestinationIP>[\d\.]+|\|)\|?dstPort=(?<DestinationPort>[\d\.]+|\|)\|?dstService=(?<dstService>[\w\d\.-]+|\|)\|?dstIF=(?<dstIF>[\w\d\.]+|\|)\|?rule=(?<Rule>[\w\s=:<>-]+|\|)\|?info=(?<Info>[\w\d\s]+|\|)\|?srcNAT=(?<srcNAT>[\d\.]+|\|)\|?dstNAT=(?<dstNAT>[\d\.]+|\|)\|?duration=(?<Duration>[\d]+|\|)\|?count=(?<Count>[\d]+|\|)\|?receivedBytes=(?<ReceivedBytes>[\d]+|\|)\|?sentBytes=(?<SentBytes>[\d]+|\|)\|?receivedPackets=(?<ReceivedPackets>[\d]+|\|)\|?sentPackets=(?<SentPackets>[\d]+|\|)\|?user=(?<user>[\w]+|\|)\|?protocol=(?<L7Protocol>[\w]+|\|)\|?application=(?<Application>[\w\s]+|\|)\|?target=(?<Target>[\w\s\.]+|\|)\|?content=(?<Content>[\w\s]+|\|)\|?urlcat=(?<URLCategory>[\w\s\d()]+|)" } }

                #mutate { update => { "URLCategory" => "NA" } }

                #mutate { gsub => ["URLCategory", "", "NA"] }

                #ruby { code => "if event.get('URLCategory').nil?; event.set('tags', 'null-value');end" }
                #if "null-value" in [tags] { mutate { update => { "URLCategory", => "NA" } } }

                #ruby {
                #    code => "event['URLCategory'] = 'empty' if event['URLCategory'] == nil;"

                #ruby {
                #     code => '
                # { |k, v|
                #         if v == nil
                #            event.set(k, "NA")
                #         end
                #       }
                #             '
                #      }
                ruby {
                      code => '
                        event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
                           if v == "|"
                              event.set(k, "N/A")

                #ruby { code => "if event.get('URLCategory').nil?; event.set('tags', 'null-value');end" }
                #if "null-value" in [tags] { mutate { update => { "URLCategory" => "NA" } } }
                #if "null-value" in [tags] { mutate { coerce => { "URLCategory" => "Nnnnn" } } }
                #if "null-value" in [tags] { mutate { gsub => ["URLCategory", "", "nnnnnnn"] } }

                #if [URLCategory] == "" {
                #mutate { update => { "URLCategory" => "NA" } }

                cidr {
                      add_tag => [ "SomeTAG" ]
                      address => [ "%{SourceIP}" ]
                      network => [ "" ]

                if "someTAG" not in [tags] { drop { } }

                if [L7Protocol] == "DNS" or [L7Protocol] == "SMB" { prune { whitelist_names => ["^L7Protocol$", "^Application$", "^URLCategory$"] } }
                else if [Action] == "Block" { prune { blacklist_names => ["^Action$"] } }
                else { drop { } }

In this case the gsub has inserted "NA" between every pair of letters in the message "Categorization in Progress (98)".

If you do not set the grok option "keep_empty_captures => true" then if the capture group is "" then no field is added to the message. In that case you could use

if ! [URLCategory] { mutate { add_field => { "URLCategory" => "NA" } }

If you set that option then [URLCategory] will be "" and you could use

mutate { gsub => [ "URLCategory", "^$", "NA" ] }

Lastly, instead of using a grouping with + (one or more) and an alternation with the empty pattern (?<URLCategory>[\w\s\d()]+|) I would use * (zero or more) (?<URLCategory>[\w\s\d()]*). Both work.

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You're awesome @Badger, It worked as a charm, seems that I need to review the documentation and not just flick through it :slight_smile:

Regarding my regex, I'll try to implement wherever possible the zero or more option instead of grouping + one or more and alternation with an empty pattern.

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