NPE when using both date_range and bucket script aggregations

When trying to do calculations with two previously fetched/aggregated (using date_range) fields I'm stumbling upon a Null Pointer Exception error whenever I use bucket_script. The strange thing is that the request below works perfectly fine when replacing date_range with date_histogram or a terms aggregation. The moment I fill in anything in the script field in my bucket_script I get a NPE as response.

The error message I'm getting as response:

"{"error":{"root_cause":,"type":"reduce_search_phase_exception","reason":"[reduce] ","phase":"fetch","grouped":true,"failed_shards":,"caused_by":{"type":"null_pointer_exception","reason":null}},"status":503}"

My JSON request:

          "query": {
              "must": [
                  "query_string": {
                    "default_field": "data.adgroup_id",
                    "query": "(adgroup_id: 6044965376773 OR adgroup_id: 6045143401573 OR adgroup_id: 6044653493573 OR adgroup_id: 6044738299773)"
                  "term": {
                    "agency_id": "215"
                    "range" : {
                        "date" : {
                            "gte" : "2016-06-01",
                            "lte" : "2016-06-30"
              "must_not": [],
              "should": []
          "from": 0,
          "size": 50,
          "sort": [],
          "aggs": {
            "indicators": {
              "date_range": {
                        "field": "date",
                        "format": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                        "ranges": [
                            { "from": "2016-06-01" }, 
                            { "to": "2016-06-30" } 
              "aggs": {
                "ind1_c_website_clicks": {
                   "sum": {
                   "field": "data.website_clicks"}
                },"ind1_c_impressions": {
                   "sum": {
                   "field": "data.impressions "}

                ,"ind1_ctr" : {
                    "bucket_script": {
                        "gap_policy" : "insert_zeros",
                        "buckets_path": {
                            "var_website_clicks" : "ind1_c_website_clicks",
                            "var_impressions" : "ind1_c_impressions"
                        "script": "var_website_clicks / var_impressions * 100"

If I leave out the bucket_script segment I get valid results for the fields ind1_c_website_clicks and ind1_c_impressions and I just want to do some direct calculations with those results. When changing the field names in buckets_path to gibberish I get some other error regarding ES being unable to find that field, which to me seems like it doesn't have anything to do with the path reference being incorrect. Putting 0 or random() in script to return a direct result also causes the NPE, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with fields not being found or values being 0 / null.

I'm guessing it has something to do with the structure of the aggregations and the way date_range accesses data. The pipeline aggregation doc provided some insights about parent and sibling buckets and I've tried moving ind1_ctr out of the aggregations {} since it seemed weird (I've copied this structuring according to one of the bucket script example) to me that this is placed at the same level as ind1_c_impressions which are to be aggregated prior to the execution of the script in ind1_ctr, but this led to some other errors.

If someone could point me into the right direction that would be great,

Thanks in advance.