Numeric metrics aggregation on Nested key-value set


Our index contains docs with a nested set of key-values, we would need to perform metric aggregation per key.

So we for example, we would need the average cpuTime per taskId for such docs:

       "tasks" : [ 
             "taskId": "global_task_proc",
             "cpuTime": 600
             "taskId": "task_queue",
             "cpuTime": 594


I think you are looking for the Nested Aggregation

Let me know if this is what you were looking for!

Hi thanks, I did look on the example there.
the example in the docs takes the maximum price of ANY reseller. but we need something like the maximum price for EACH reseller.

      "resellers": [
          "reseller": "companyA",
          "price": 350
          "reseller": "companyB",
          "price": 500

so the expected output might be something like:

       "key": "companyA",
       "maximum" : 670,
       "key": "companyB",
       "maximum" : 1120,


Can you try running this query and see if it works?

    "query" : {
    "aggs" : {
        "resellers" : {
            "nested" : {
                "path" : "resellers"
            "aggs" : {
                "resellers": {
                    "terms": { "field": "resellers.reseller" },
                    "aggs": {
                        "max_price" : { "max" : { "field" : "resellers.price" } }

I'm not 100% sure that a terms aggregation would work here, but I cannot try it at the moment. Let me know how this turns out.

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Hi this is the exact solution, worked on the first try.
Thank you so much!

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