Observability tutorial

I see a lot of docs and youtube videos on what observability is and what options there are . But as a newbie, is there one stop shop that shows:

  • how to create a search application
  • add instrumentation to capture traces, logs and metrics
  • ingest that into elastic cloud
  • study the observability behaviour from elastic cloud.

In short, I am looking for an end to end deployment which I am unable to find online.

Can someone point me to the resources please? thank you!

Hi @searchwithme,

We do have a mix of paid training and free resources available on the training segment of our site that can help with all of these. Here's a few that could help:

  1. Training Quick Starts, for Observability I would look at the Logging, Metrics and APM quick starts for starters.
  2. Elastic Observability How to
  3. Elastic Observability Engineer Paid Training

Do let us know if those are any help!