We run metricbeat-oss-7.9.2-windows-x86_64.zip on Windows Server 2016 and send data to Kafka. From Kafka, we consume data with Logstash and send them to ElasticCloud.
We observe an issue with system.memory.swap.* metrics, which show non-zero values, although swap is completely disabled on the servers.
Metricbeat uses gosigar
library, which internally runs the following code:
func (self *Swap) Get() error {
memoryStatusEx, err := windows.GlobalMemoryStatusEx()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "GlobalMemoryStatusEx failed")
self.Total = memoryStatusEx.TotalPageFile
self.Free = memoryStatusEx.AvailPageFile
self.Used = self.Total - self.Free
return nil
This might be a reason why you're observing non-zero values.
@mtojek Thanks for your reply.
Although it does not solve the issue we experience, it can help to fix the bug.
Do you confirm this is a bug, so I can open an issue on Github?
Could you please paste any wrong reports you received? Are these random values?
@goodmirek5849, we have an open issue already https://github.com/elastic/beats/issues/19875 and we are investigating other paths here, meanwhile you can use the workaround suggested in the issue.
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