Hi All,
I am new to elasticsearch and trying to create a fast search infrastructure
for our portal using elasticsearch.
We store user's financial activities in a sql table. It contains around 50
fields. Once a record is created, only one of the field get updates 10
times within 30 days of its creation.
We expect to get around 3k inserts, 1k updates and 1k search request per
second, for each of action at new search functionality.
The size of each record is 1 KB and at any time we plan to keep records of
last 1.5 years in our search servers i.e, ~30 billion records. Our search
query will always include a customerID+ a date range + some filters on
other fileds. And we expect a net increase of 15 million inserts everyday.
We plan to use ElasticeSearch for our fast search infrastructure and came
up with the following mapping / index design i.e, one global index with an
alias for each customer with a routing key and filter on the customer's ID
as following:
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/customers -d '{
"settings": {
"index": {
"number_of_shards": <NUM_OF_SHARDS>,
"number_of_replicas": 1
"mappings": {
"Transactions": {...}
curl -XPOST localhost:9200/aliases -d '{
"actions": [{
"add": {
"index": "customer",
"alias": customer,
"filter": {"term": {"customerID": 1}},
"routing": 1
I would appreciate if someone could review the above mapping and suggest
what should be the optimal number of shards we should create in our global
Thank You,
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