Hi, I would like to ask for your help with the following :
I have two servers on which the elasticsearch is already installed and they
are configured with the following :
cluster.name: essearchlocal
thrift.port: 9500
index.cache.field.type: soft
index.cache.field.max_size: 20000
index.cache.field.expire: 25m
index.refresh_interval: 30s
indices.fielddata.cache.size: 15%
indices.fielddata.cache.expire: 6h
indices.cache.filter.size: 15%
indices.cache.filter.expire: 6h
indices.memory.index_buffer_size: 70%
indices.store.throttle.type: merge
indices.store.throttle.max_bytes_per_sec: 25mb
indices.recovery.concurrent_streams: 3
indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec: 20mb
index.translog.flush_threshold_ops: 25000
index.merge.policy.max_merge_size: 500mb
index.store.compress.stored: true
threadpool.search.type: fixed
threadpool.search.size: 20
threadpool.search.queue_size: 1000
threadpool.bulk.type: fixed
threadpool.bulk.size: 20
threadpool.bulk.queue_size: 1000
threadpool.index.type: fixed
threadpool.index.size: 20
threadpool.index.queue_size: 1000
index.store.type: mmapfs
cluster settings
index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment: 1gb # it hasn't been tested yet
indices.fielddata.cache.size: 10% # it hasn't been tested yet
multicast.enabled: false # it hasn't been tested yet
discovery.zen.ping_timeout: 5s # it hasn't been tested yet
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 # it hasn't been tested yet
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [""] # it hasn't been tested yet
cluster.routing.allocation.cluster_concurrent_rebalance: 2
Each server has 24GB of physical memory available, but we are running
elasticsearch in a standalone mode.
There are two applications that insert logs into Elasticsearch at the same
time, and 16Gb of memory is added to Elasticsearch for handling requests.
There are 8 GB of memory available for the system.
So our problem is, when a search is started the load avarage of the system
will be 'too high', and the system
will be unusable, and sometimes we will get SearchRequest Exception
(java.lang.outofmemoryerror java heap space) .
Could you suggest me a better configuration for solve these problems ?
We can't provide more server for Elasticsearch and we can run only it on
one node, so we can't run it in cluster mode.
Are the problems solved, if we put more memory into the server on where the
Elasticsearch is running ?
I also wanted to ask how can I make the elasticsearch to recover itself
quickly ?
We have 150 index ( 750 shard ) , and each index size is about 20 GB.
I tried to give high values to recovery options, but it hasn't effect.
indices.recovery.concurrent_streams: 20
indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec: 1500mb
Our servers configuration :
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5345 @ 2.33Ghz (8 core)
- 24 GB memory DDR2
- 4 TB SSHD ( Hybrid )
(Elasticsearch version : 0.90.10)
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