Oracle 32bit on 64bit machine

Hello everyone,
I have 32 bit two instances ORACLE database (test and production) on Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64bit), and I want to install metricbeat service on that machine, but after instalation process, I've got log:
INFO module/wrapper.go:266 Error fetching data for metricset oracle.tablespace: error creating connection to Oracle: error doing ping to database: ORA-00000: DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "C:\app\client\product\19.0.0\client_1\bin\oci.dll is not the correct architecture". See ODPI-C Installation — ODPI-C v4.3.0 for help

After install 64bit OCI I've got information, that Oracle database is 32bit, and there is no chance to connect. Is there any chance to connect to oracle from service metricbeats on that system ?

(BTW, I've tried install 32bit metricbeats on that system, but after command:
metricbeat.exe enable oracle
I've got reply:
Failed to initialize: trying to run 32Bit binary on 64Bit system


Your first way should be correct: Install the 64Bit MetricBeat binaries and the 64Bit Oracle Client.

Which error do you get?

Best regards

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