I'm looking to order the search results by specific field values. I'm not able to do it using the Aggregation Order. When I tried using the scripted metric, I'm getting below error:
org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException: Invalid terms aggregation order path [scriptedAgg]. Terms buckets can only be sorted on a sub-aggregator path that is built out of zero or more single-bucket aggregations within the path and a final single-bucket or a metrics aggregation at the path end.
Below is the code that I tried:(modified with a basic example)
TermsAggregationBuilder termsAggregationBuilder = AggregationBuilders.terms("termsAggName").size(1000).script(new Script("doc['empNumber'].value + ' | ' + doc['empName'].value))).subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.topHits("subTermsAggName").size(1));
ScriptedMetricAggregationBuilder scriptedMetricBuilder = AggregationBuilders.scriptedMetric("scriptedAgg");
scriptedMetricBuilder.mapScript(new Script("doc['empDesignation'].value == 'Developer'"));
termsAggregationBuilder.order(Terms.Order.aggregation("scriptedAgg", true)).subAggregation(scriptedMetricBuilder);
SearchResponse searchResponse = elasticsearchTemplate.getClient().prepareSearch().setIndices(indexName).setTypes(typeName).setQuery(booleanQuery).addAggregation(termsAggregationBuilder).execute().actionGet();
The aggregation works fine. I'm facing trouble when I try to order the buckets by Employee Designation.
The code highlighted in italics is the new code I tried for ordering by field value(s).
Please help me in achieving the order.
Thanks in advance!