Orphan indices on nodes with centos7 os

please do you have experience and tips how to solve the problem with ORPHANS on elastic nodes installed on old Centos7 VM 8core/32GB RAM, 2TB SSD nodes

we have elasticsearch version 8.12.1
new nodes are running on RockyLinux latest reease 9.x and older one on Centos 7

the nodes with centos7 experience of having orphan index directories which on some cases consume 90% of disk capacity

GET _cat/allocation?v&s=shards
#first two 
shards disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.total disk.percent host         ip           node         node.role
     6       75.5gb     1.7tb    173.5gb      1.9tb           91 tela15prahkz hilst
     7       39.9gb     1.7tb    186.7gb      1.9tb           90 tela07prahkz hilst

you can see undices consume 75GB but disk is 1,7TB full

when I check the disk I can find the disk s consumed by indices

i created this script that detects orphan directories and it found many of them
when I delete them by this script but the elastic keeps creating new orphans
this behaviour we did not experience on RockyLinux9 but on all Centos.

We plan to upgrade / replace OS , but I am not sure if we did not miss any other options.

Please do you have any advice, why this is happening.
Can I delete orphans this way (I run it on dev but I plan run it on prod)
What can cause this problem?

thanks for any advices

script to detect and delete orphans


# Define paths

# Get the list of UUIDs from Elasticsearch
curl -s -u "${ES_USER}:${ES_PASS}" "${ES_HOST}/_cat/indices?format=json&h=uuid" | jq -r '.[].uuid' > "${TMP_DIR}/elasticsearch_uuids.txt"

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Error: Failed to fetch data from Elasticsearch."
    exit 1

# List all directories in the Elasticsearch data path
ls -1 "${ES_NODE_DATA_PATH}" > "${TMP_DIR}/disk_uuids.txt"

# Compare the lists to find orphaned UUIDs
comm -23 <(sort "${TMP_DIR}/disk_uuids.txt") <(sort "${TMP_DIR}/elasticsearch_uuids.txt") > "${TMP_DIR}/orphaned_uuids.txt"

# Initialize total size variable

# Check the size of each orphaned directory and delete them
echo "Orphaned UUIDs, their sizes, and deletion status:"
while IFS= read -r uuid; do
    if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
        size=$(du -sb "$dir" | cut -f1)  # Size in bytes
        size_human=$(du -sh "$dir" | cut -f1)  # Human-readable size
        echo "$uuid: $size_human"

        # Delete the orphaned directory
	echo $dir
        # rm -rf "$dir" #### DELETE PART UNCOMMENT WHEN U ARE SURE
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "$uuid: Directory deleted successfully."
            echo "$uuid: Failed to delete directory."

        # Update total size after deletion
        total_size=$((total_size + size))
        echo "$uuid: Directory does not exist"
done < "${TMP_DIR}/orphaned_uuids.txt"

# Print total size of deleted directories
echo "Total size of deleted orphaned directories: $(numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B $total_size)"

# Clean up temporary files
rm -f "${TMP_DIR}/elasticsearch_uuids.txt" "${TMP_DIR}/disk_uuids.txt" "${TMP_DIR}/orphaned_uuids.txt"