Output recurring events multiple times in a range query


my indexed documents should represent events with a certain starting date. Some of those events can be reccuring. Every event has a nested date property which indicates the starting date of the event. If it is a recurring event, multiple starting dates are added. Let's say I've indexed two events, one of them recurring:

PUT events/event/1
    "event" : [{
        "date": 01.01.2018
      "date":  01.03.2018

PUT events/event/2
    "event" : [{
        "date":  01.02.2018

Now let's say I want to query all events which have a starting date between 01.01.2018 and 01.03.2018, sorted ascending by date. Is there any possibility to output event 1 twice so that the result would be:

  • event 1 with a date of 01.01.2018
  • event 2 with a date of 01.02.2018
  • event 1 with a date of 01.03.2018

Or do I have to index event 1 twice with two different dates?

Thanks for your Help!

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