Packetbeat parsing mongodb OP_MSG

Mongodb version 3.6 and later added 'OP'_ MSG 'message type. When packet beat parses this type, the output field mongodb is empty. In addition, the most important thing is that there is no end time and no overall response time in the event output field
Parsing output of type OP_MSG:

  "mongodb": {},
  "resource": "",
  "event": {
    "start": "2021-10-23T08:28:16.778Z",
    "category": [
    "type": [
    "kind": "event",
    "dataset": "mongodb"

Parsing output of earlier types:

  "mongodb": {
    "fullCollectionName": "admin.$cmd",
    "numberToSkip": 0,
    "numberToReturn": 4294967295,
    "cursorId": 0,
    "startingFrom": 0,
    "numberReturned": 1
  "resource": "admin.$cmd",
  "event": {
    "type": [
    "kind": "event",
    "dataset": "mongodb",
    "duration": 139884,
    "start": "2021-07-27T08:27:27.473Z",
    "end": "2021-07-27T08:27:27.473Z",
    "category": [

Can't anyone answer it? What is the problem with the configuration, or does packetbeat not support mongodb's new message format well.

It doesn't look like this is supported - Update MongoDB protocol with new opcodes · Issue #6191 · elastic/beats · GitHub

Thank you for your reply.

I have seen many issues before. My understanding is that the version of 6. X at that time does not support OP_MSG at all, and an error is reported directly in the background log. But now at least it can be resolved to be Op_ MSG type message. Only some data is missing, and it is still key data.

Does this mean that the current version of packetbeat has limited support for new mongdb messages?

It would appear so, yes.

Do you need to create an issues on GitHub?

There's one above, definitely comment on it :slight_smile:

Thank you. I have commented on

GitHub did not respond after replying. Is it because issues has been closed?

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