Paging though Rolling Indexes (timeseries)

My main use case is paging though an individual day's worth of data. Data
that is more than a day old will probably not be hit very often at 3 days
old probably nothing except occasional monthly reporting tasks.

However, the UI provides a date range picker, so the user can potentially
pick a range like 3 hours ago -> 48 hours ago. We only load 20 results per

My question is, when specifying a multi index search:

h http://ip:9200/20130312,20130313....20130523/_search

Do the from and size query params apply across index boundaries?

For example. If I have 30 documents in 20130722 and 20 documents in 20130721

The first query will return the first 20 documents of 20130722.
The next page then should contain the last 10 documents from 20130722 and
the 1st 10 documents from 20130721.

Will ES automatically handle crossing the index boundary properly?

My other alternative, which I feel would be inappropriate, would be to
target a single index in the search. Knowing the paging limit, if the
number of results returns is less than the page size, issue an additional
query to the next index in line. That obviously involves potentially
multiple queries to fill up one page, which is not going to be a great
thing I assume.

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On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Adam Venturella aventurella@gmail.comwrote:

Will ES automatically handle crossing the index boundary properly?

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