Painful! postgres-->logstash-->elasticsearch mapper_parsing_exception!

hi, I am so sorry to bother you, but now I am painful and rage about
a problem. the problem has spent more that one weeks. and so sad I
cann't find any useful information, anyone any comments and suggestions, I really appreciate that.

logstash 2.1.1 , elasticsearch 2.1.1 , and postgres 9.3 is the versions I used.

I think the problem is elasticsearch can't parse the geojson string data I exported from postgres. the elasticsearch want to parse an object. :frowning:

The exception information is(when I start the logstash) :

Firstly: logstash is used to export data from postgres. and my cocnfiguration file is :

input {

jdbc {

    # Postgres jdbc connection string to our database, mydb

    jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:postgresql://...:5432/handle_service"

    # The user we wish to execute our statement as

    jdbc_user => "user"

    jdbc_password => "*****"

    # The path to our downloaded jdbc driver

    jdbc_driver_library => "/home/admin/dataservice-search/elasticsearch-2.1.1/lib/postgresql-9.3-1102-jdbc41.jar"

    # The name of the driver class for Postgresql

    jdbc_driver_class => "org.postgresql.Driver"

    parameters => { "favorite_artist" => "Beethoven" }

    schedule => " * * * "

    # our query

    statement => " select st_asgeojson(st_makevalid(geom)) As geometry_offset_geo , from t_delete_road limit 20"

    type => "datasearch"



output {

stdout {codec => rubydebug }

    elasticsearch {

    index => "datasearch"

    document_type => "datasearch"

    document_id => "%{id}"

    hosts => [ "...:9200" ]



second, I created the index in the elasticsearch:

curl -XPOST http://...:9200/datasearch/datasearch/_mapping  -d '{
               "properties" : {

} '

third, I start the logstash. and then something was wrong.

But it's works when I use

curl -XPOST 'http://...:9200/datasearch/datasearch/1' -d '{"geometry":{













I really wonder what happen among those steps. so I come here and ask for some help, please.

It's so important to me to solve this problem.
thanks in advance.

Is that the actual data or have you changed the error?

FYI my JDBC importer GitHub - jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc: JDBC importer for Elasticsearch can parse GeoJSON points and shapes from PostgreSQL.

If there are problems, you can ask for help at Issues · jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc · GitHub

Actually I did. But I got the same error. so I want to know if my conf file has something wrong. I really need some help. The geometry data is sotred in the db like this :


and I read it in the logstash using the follow sentences:

select st_asgeojson(st_makevalid(geom)) As geometry_offset_geo , from t_delete_road limit 20

and elasticsearch-jdbc- is my choice.

thanks in advance, any comments I will appreciate that.

sorry, I corrected that. and thank you!