I'm having a bit of an issue getting a script working; basically, the script is intended to add a nested item to an existing doc.
To repro, I created an index with this mapping:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/nsttest'
{ "test":
{ "properties":
"prntId" : {"type": "keyword", "doc_values": true },
"kids" : {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"ctxt": {"type": "keyword", "doc_values": true },
"tkn": {"type": "keyword", "doc_values": true }
And added a single doc:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/nsttest/test/abc'
"prntId" : "abc"
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/nsttest/test/abc/_update'
"inline" : "if (ctx._source.kids == null || ctx._source.kids.size() == 0){ ctx._source.kids = params.kid} else {ctx._source.kids += params.kid } ",
"lang": "painless",
"params": {"kid": [{"ctxt" : "xs123", "tkn" : "4eef3f46-5469-42d4-91c2-371748d0ee13"}] }
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/nsttest/test/abc/_update/pretty'
"inline" : "if (ctx._source.kids == null || ctx._source.kids.size() == 0){ ctx._source.kids = params.kid} else {ctx._source.kids += params.kid } ",
"lang": "painless",
"params": {"kid": [{"ctxt" : "xs1234", "tkn" : "5eef3f46-5469-42d4-91c2-371748d0ee13"}] }
I have tried the params with and without the square brackets, and basically many variations, and it will work updating a doc for the first time, but not thereafter - i.e. "ctx._source.kids += params.kid " always fails...
Here is the error I get:
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "remote_transport_exception",
"reason" : "[bpQJEwv][][indices:data/write/update[s]]"
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "failed to execute script",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "script_exception",
"reason" : "runtime error",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "class_cast_exception",
"reason" : "Cannot apply [+] operation to types [java.util.ArrayList] and [java.util.HashMap]."
"script_stack" : [
"ctx._source.kids += params.kid } ",
" ^---- HERE"
"script" : "if (ctx._source.kids == null || ctx._source.kids.size() == 0){ ctx._source.kids = params.kid} else {ctx._source.kids += params.kid } ",
"lang" : "painless"
"status" : 400
Anyone have any ideas or pointers?
Thanks in advance!