Painless Scripted Field


I can't make it work my scripted painless field.

Here some lines example :


11,12,13,14 => Same zone but she has différents codes. (all of these codes form the primary zone)
500,40,5,240 => Octets use

So, i want create graphic with the total octets (here 500 + 40 + 5 + 240 = 785) by zone

I thought this :

if (doc['code_z'].value == '11' || doc['code_z'].value == '12' || doc['code_z'].value == '13'  || doc['code_z'].value == '14,4' ) {
 return doc['octets'].value
return 0

But it's doesn't work :confused: Look at this blank graph ...:

I know that is very difficult.

Instead of returning the octets value in your script, return some unique identifier for the zone that the conditional matches. Then on your visualization's x-axis you can do a terms agg on the scripted field which will get you the split by zone. The y-axis metric would be a simple sum aggregation on the octets field.

Humm, i don't understand.

how can do that ?

I want the sum of the bytes on a single curve for the set of chosen codes

I have an early solution @Bargs . Directly in kibana visualize :

Sum of octets (X-axis), timestamp on Y-axis and split series by terms (so this is codes zones : z_code).
You can see that my graph is split into multiple curve (because it's have many code) :

Now, i Use json filter :

  "query": {
    "constant_score": {
      "filter": {
        "match": {
          "z_code": "14"
  "aggs": {
    "sumcustom": {
      "sum": {
        "field": "AmountVol"

So, i have configure only one z_code field, so want add multiple z_code at my json but i don't how to make that . Here ma graph with json filter :

So, how to add multiple z_code at my json filter ? :

      "query": {
        "constant_score": {
          "filter": {
            "match": {
              "z_code": "14"
            "match": {
              "z_code": "11"
      "aggs": {
        "sumcustom": {
          "sum": {
            "field": "AmountVol"


  "query": {
    "constant_score": {
      "filter": {
        "match": {
          "PLMNid": [
  "aggs": {
    "sumnat": {
      "sum": {
        "field": "AmountVol"

But doesn't work these methods
In first case : it take only one of code
In second case : i have error message :[illegal_state_exception] Can't get text on a START_ARRAY

Can you show how to ?

If you only need this grouping for this one visualization, why not use the filters aggregation with a query string? You could do something like the screenshot below. Instead of extension you would query on z_code.

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