Parse Haproxy Log

I actually testing "" to store and parse my haproxy logs, but I can't parse them properly.
I use Haproxy 2.2 and elastic-agent to send logs and i installed Haproxy Integration to parse log. Lots of field is returned but I want parse field "url.query" to extract value.
For example url.query with value : </ zoneid=232776&siteid=11081&extzone=&impid=b55a7b64a1484deac3874efafe3c39ae9392475d&ts=1650014482.379 />
I want to extract zoneid, siteid, extzone etc ...
I see there is Ingest Pipeline logs-haproxy.log-0.7.0, can i modify this to extract this value ?
Should i add new Pipeline ?

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