Parse logs Trent Micro Email Security

Hello everyone,

I am currently in the process of normalizing and parsing logs from the manufacturer trend micro email security.

Maybe for you it is obvious but in my case as I am not an expert I must mention that I am working on the .conf file for this parse to be successful but I have had problems to complete this process.

As you can see not all the fields have the field - value structure although this part has not been a problem, the problem I have is that the msg and reason fields have blank spaces and if I use the kv filter in the result it only takes the value up to the first space it finds and obviously I need the complete value.

I have tried several methods but it has not been possible to parse these fields. I appreciate your help or suggestion

for example the msg field only takes "hello" and I need all the complete value ""

Log sample

CEF:0|Trend Micro|TMES||500101|CTP_DETECTION|2|rt=2021-02-18 04:05:32 cs2Label=timeOfClick cs2=2021-02-03 23:00:00 
request= act=blocked msg=hello this is a mail test cs1Label=messageId cs1=<>```

How are you receving those logs? You didn't mention which tools and their versions.

It is Logstash? Filebeat? Elastic Agent?

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I understand that they are being displayed on screen to ensure that they are properly parsed before ingesting them. I don't know if this answers the question (Syslog I would think).

Thank you in advance for your response.

input { tcp { port => 11111 } }

filter {
  dissect {
    mapping => {
      "message" => "<%{pri}> %{timestamp} %{hostname} %{app}[%{pid}]: %{cef_data}"

  mutate {
    replace => { "message" => "%{cef_data}" }

  grok {
    match => {
      "cef_data" => "CEF:%{INT:cef_version}\|%{DATA:device_vendor}\|%{DATA:device_product}\|%{DATA:device_version}\|%{DATA:signature_id}\|%{DATA:name}\|%{INT

  mutate {
    gsub => [
      "rt", " ", "_",
      "suser", " ", "_",
      "duser", " ", "_",
      "msg", " ", "_",
      "src", " ", "_",
      "deviceTranslatedAddress", " ", "_",
      "cs1Label", " ", "_",
      "cs1", " ", "_",
      "cs2Label", " ", "_",
      "cs2", " ", "_",
      "cs3Label", " ", "_",
      "cs3", " ", "_",
      "cn1Label", " ", "_",
      "cn1", " ", "_",
      "reason", " ", "_",
      "act", " ", "_",
      "cs4Label", " ", "_",
      "cs4", " ", "_",
      "cs5Label", " ", "_",
      "cs5", " ", "_"

  kv {
    source => "extensiones"
    trim_value => " "
    field_split => " "
    value_split => "="
    include_keys => [
      "rt", "suser", "duser", "msg", "src", "deviceTranslatedAddress",
      "cs1Label", "cs1", "cs2Label", "cs2", "cs3Label", "cs3", "cn1Label",
      "cn1", "reason", "act", "cs4Label", "cs4", "cs5Label", "cs5"

  mutate {
    remove_field => [ "message", "extensiones", "cef_data" ]

output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

Your log is a CEF message, if can use the cef codec to help parse it.

Try this:

input { 
  tcp { 
    port => 11111 
    codec => cef

output { 
  stdout { 
    codec => rubydebug 

This will parse your initial message, see the result and then create extra filters if needed.


thank you I will give it a try. Last question the CEF codec performance may vary from a paid version to a free one? I mean if it works better one than the other?

No, there is no difference, the paid tiers of the license add extra features, but there will be no difference on performance for any tool.

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