Parsing a lot of different syslogs using logstash

Hi guys!

I have to parse a lot of different syslogs. Here are a few examples:

07/31/2018:08:45:02 GMT res-nsvpx-pri 0-PPE-0 : default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESS 15132959 0 : SPCBId 483501867 - ClientIP - ClientPort 53758 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2 Non-Export 256-bit" - Session New

07/31/2018:08:42:48 GMT xer-p-nsvpx01 0-PPE-0 : default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 18542698 0 : SPCBId 881186233 - ClientIP - ClientPort 52241 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2 Non-Export 256-bit" - Reason "No matching certificate found"

07/31/2018:07:05:31 GMT wgkp-nsvpx02 0-PPE-0 : default AAATM LOGIN 4003109 0 : Context lcasteleyn@ - SessionId: 19354- User lcasteleyn - Client_ip - Nat_ip "Mapped Ip" - Vserver - Browser_type "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36" - Group(s) "N/A"

The first part (date, time, timezone, hostname and packet engine) are always the same in each syslog. I have tried to parse this part and then start to parse second part that is not always the same, but it didn't work with my code:

else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{
       match => {"message" => "%{DATE:date}:%{HAPROXYTIME:time} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{GREEDYDATA:message}"}
       mutate {remove_field => ["date", "time", "timezone", "haproxy_hour",  "haproxy_minute", "haproxy_second"]}
       overwrite => ["message"]
       tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx","_grokparsefailure"]

I got this back with 1 extra field "hostname:15132959" :

SPCBId 483501867 - ClientIP - ClientPort 53758 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2 Non-Export 256-bit" - Session New

I've tried to parse whole message each time, but it didn't work. Here is my code for 3 examples above:

 else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{
 		break_on_match => true 
		match => [
			"message", "%{DATE:datum}:%{HAPROXYTIME:tijd} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : (?<event> default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESS) %{GREEDYDATA} - ClientIP %{IP:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IP:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Session %{WORD:Session}",
			"message", "%{DATE:datum}:%{HAPROXYTIME:tijd} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : (?<event> default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE) %{GREEDYDATA} - ClientIP %{IP:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IP:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}",
			"message", "%{DATE:datum}:%{HAPROXYTIME:tijd} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{WORD:event1} %{WORD:event2} %{WORD:event3} %{GREEDYDATA} : Context %{GREEDYDATA} User %{WORD:user} - Client_ip %{IP:ClientIP} - Nat_ip %{QS:natIP} - Vserver %{IP:VserverIP}:%{NUMBER:VserverPort} - Browser_type %{QS:browser_type} - Group\(s\) %{QS:groups}"

Now I'm not using the overwrite command, I know that it was wrong.

Is there a way to escape double quote and slash and let them be a part of the field like in this examples:

Command "login rancid "password"" (instead of word password it has to be all stars like below)
it has to return : login rancid "********" and Command %{QS:command} doesn't work

User wvanhoucke : Group(s) N/A : Vserver
it has to return: Group(s) : N/A and I have no idea how to do that.

Is there a way to parse al those messages correctly?

NOTE: everything below is not a problem anymore

(I have there about 40 different syslog messages and each message can also contain several differences)

For example I have these 2 messages:
31/07/2018:11:04:53 GMT WIV-P-NSVPX01 0-PPE-0 : default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 31237256 0 : SPCBId 28317873 - ClientIP - ClientPort 57918 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "NA" - Reason "No shared cipher"

07/31/2018:10:06:32 GMT SVHG-NSVPX01 0-PPE-0 : SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 906645 0 : SPCBId 10842232 - ClientIP - ClientPort 5326 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.0 - CipherSuite "DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1 Non-Export 168-bit" - Reason "Fatal alert received from the client"

Single difference is the word "default" in the message. I've used this code, but it didn't work:

else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{
if "default" in [message]{
      break_on_match => true 
  	match => [
    	"message", "%{DATE:date}:%{HAPROXYTIME:time} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{WORD:event1} %{WORD:event2} %{WORD:event3} %{BASE16NUM:randomnr} %{NUMBER:randomnr2} :  SPCBId %{BASE16NUM:SPCBId} - ClientIP %{IPV4:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IPV4:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}"
        tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx_parsing"]
      break_on_match => true 
  	match => [
    	"message", "%{DATE:date}:%{HAPROXYTIME:time} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{WORD:event1} %{WORD:event2} %{BASE16NUM:randomnr} %{NUMBER:randomnr2} :  SPCBId %{BASE16NUM:SPCBId} - ClientIP %{IPV4:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IPV4:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}"
        tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx_parsing"]


Thanks a lot!

That is a lot of different questions in one post!

I would start by parsing off the common fields using a dissect filter.

dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{ts} %{+ts} %{hostname} %{packet-engine} : %{restOfLine}" } }

You appear to be using mutate to discard the timestamp, if you really do not want those fields then you can use

 dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{} %{} %{hostname} %{packet-engine} : %{restOfLine}" } }

Thank you for your reply!

Did I understand you right, @Badger ? (because it doesn't work :slightly_frowning_face:)

else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{
		break_on_match => true 
	   	mapping => [
		  "message", "%{}:%{} %{} %{hostname} %{packet_engine} : %{event1} %{event2} %{event3} %{} %{} :  SPCBId %{} - ClientIP %{ClientIP} - ClientPort %{ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{CipherSuite} - Session %{Session}",
		  "message", "%{}:%{} %{} %{hostname} %{packet_engine} : %{event1} %{event2} %{event3} %{} %{} :  Backend SPCBId %{} - ServerIP %{ServerIP} - ServerPort %{ServerPort} - ProtocolVersion %{ProtocolVersion} - CipherSuite %{CipherSuite} - Session %{Session} - SERVER_AUTHENTICATED -SerialNumber %{serial_number} - SignatureAlgorithm %{signature_algorithm} - ValidFrom %{valid_from} - ValidTo %{valid_to} - HandshakeTime %{handshaketime_ms} %{}",
		  "message", "%{}:%{} %{} %{hostname} %{packet_engine} : %{event1} %{event2} %{event3} %{} %{} :  SPCBId %{} - ClientIP %{ClientIP} - ClientPort %{ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{CipherSuite} - Reason %{reason}"
        tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx_parsing"]

No, use the filter just the way I wrote it, then use grok to parse out all the different values for the restOfLine field.

Note that your patterns are not anchored (they do not start with ^ to anchor them to the start of the field or $ to anchor them to the end). That means that

"%{WORD:event2} %{WORD:event3} %{BASE16NUM:randomnr} %{NUMBER:randomnr2} : SPCBId %{BASE16NUM:SPCBId} - ClientIP %{IPV4:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IPV4:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}"

matches both of these lines

default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 31237256 0 : SPCBId 28317873 - ClientIP - ClientPort 57918 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "NA" - Reason "No shared cipher"
SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 906645 0 : SPCBId 10842232 - ClientIP - ClientPort 5326 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.0 - CipherSuite "DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1 Non-Export 168-bit" - Reason "Fatal alert received from the client"

So those log messages would be parsed by

    dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{ts} %{+ts} %{hostname} %{packet-engine} : %{restOfLine}" } }
    grok { match => { "restOfLine" => [ "%{WORD:event2} %{WORD:event3} %{BASE16NUM:randomnr} %{NUMBER:randomnr2} : SPCBId %{BASE16NUM:SPCBId} - ClientIP %{IPV4:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IPV4:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}" ] } }

Without If else condition it's impossible to distinguish the difference between messages with/without "default" word.
I don't why, but my code in the 1st post works now correctly, but thank you very much for your help, I've learned some new things!

Yeah, but you can use something like

if [restOfLine] =~ /^default/ {
    mutate { add_tag => [ "default" ] }

to distinguish those two.

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thank you! I will try it!

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