Hi guys!
I have to parse a lot of different syslogs. Here are a few examples:
07/31/2018:08:45:02 GMT res-nsvpx-pri 0-PPE-0 : default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESS 15132959 0 : SPCBId 483501867 - ClientIP - ClientPort 53758 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2 Non-Export 256-bit" - Session New
07/31/2018:08:42:48 GMT xer-p-nsvpx01 0-PPE-0 : default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 18542698 0 : SPCBId 881186233 - ClientIP - ClientPort 52241 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2 Non-Export 256-bit" - Reason "No matching certificate found"
07/31/2018:07:05:31 GMT wgkp-nsvpx02 0-PPE-0 : default AAATM LOGIN 4003109 0 : Context lcasteleyn@ - SessionId: 19354- User lcasteleyn - Client_ip - Nat_ip "Mapped Ip" - Vserver - Browser_type "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36" - Group(s) "N/A"
The first part (date, time, timezone, hostname and packet engine) are always the same in each syslog. I have tried to parse this part and then start to parse second part that is not always the same, but it didn't work with my code:
else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{ grok{ match => {"message" => "%{DATE:date}:%{HAPROXYTIME:time} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{GREEDYDATA:message}"} mutate {remove_field => ["date", "time", "timezone", "haproxy_hour", "haproxy_minute", "haproxy_second"]} overwrite => ["message"] tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx","_grokparsefailure"] } }
I got this back with 1 extra field "hostname:15132959" :
SPCBId 483501867 - ClientIP - ClientPort 53758 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1.2 Non-Export 256-bit" - Session New
I've tried to parse whole message each time, but it didn't work. Here is my code for 3 examples above:
else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{ grok{ break_on_match => true match => [ "message", "%{DATE:datum}:%{HAPROXYTIME:tijd} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : (?<event> default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESS) %{GREEDYDATA} - ClientIP %{IP:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IP:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Session %{WORD:Session}", "message", "%{DATE:datum}:%{HAPROXYTIME:tijd} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : (?<event> default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE) %{GREEDYDATA} - ClientIP %{IP:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IP:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}", "message", "%{DATE:datum}:%{HAPROXYTIME:tijd} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{WORD:event1} %{WORD:event2} %{WORD:event3} %{GREEDYDATA} : Context %{GREEDYDATA} User %{WORD:user} - Client_ip %{IP:ClientIP} - Nat_ip %{QS:natIP} - Vserver %{IP:VserverIP}:%{NUMBER:VserverPort} - Browser_type %{QS:browser_type} - Group\(s\) %{QS:groups}" ] } }
Now I'm not using the overwrite command, I know that it was wrong.
Is there a way to escape double quote and slash and let them be a part of the field like in this examples:
Command "login rancid "password"" (instead of word password it has to be all stars like below)
it has to return : login rancid "********" and Command %{QS:command} doesn't work
User wvanhoucke : Group(s) N/A : Vserver
it has to return: Group(s) : N/A and I have no idea how to do that.
Is there a way to parse al those messages correctly?
NOTE: everything below is not a problem anymore
(I have there about 40 different syslog messages and each message can also contain several differences)
For example I have these 2 messages:
31/07/2018:11:04:53 GMT WIV-P-NSVPX01 0-PPE-0 : default SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 31237256 0 : SPCBId 28317873 - ClientIP - ClientPort 57918 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.2 - CipherSuite "NA" - Reason "No shared cipher"07/31/2018:10:06:32 GMT SVHG-NSVPX01 0-PPE-0 : SSLLOG SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 906645 0 : SPCBId 10842232 - ClientIP - ClientPort 5326 - VserverServiceIP - VserverServicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.0 - CipherSuite "DES-CBC3-SHA TLSv1 Non-Export 168-bit" - Reason "Fatal alert received from the client"
Single difference is the word "default" in the message. I've used this code, but it didn't work:
else if "nsvpx" in [tags]{ if "default" in [message]{ grok{ break_on_match => true match => [ "message", "%{DATE:date}:%{HAPROXYTIME:time} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{WORD:event1} %{WORD:event2} %{WORD:event3} %{BASE16NUM:randomnr} %{NUMBER:randomnr2} : SPCBId %{BASE16NUM:SPCBId} - ClientIP %{IPV4:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IPV4:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}" ] tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx_parsing"] } } else{ grok{ break_on_match => true match => [ "message", "%{DATE:date}:%{HAPROXYTIME:time} %{WORD:timezone} %{USERNAME:hostname} %{USERNAME:packet_engine} : %{WORD:event1} %{WORD:event2} %{BASE16NUM:randomnr} %{NUMBER:randomnr2} : SPCBId %{BASE16NUM:SPCBId} - ClientIP %{IPV4:ClientIP} - ClientPort %{NUMBER:ClientPort} - VserverServiceIP %{IPV4:VserverIP} - VserverServicePort %{NUMBER:VserverPort} - ClientVersion %{URIHOST:ClientVersion} - CipherSuite %{QS:CipherSuite} - Reason %{QS:reason}" ] tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_nsvpx_parsing"] } }
Thanks a lot!