Parsing multiple formats in the same log file


Is it possible to parse multiple formats in a single log file ?

For ex : My log file can write different type of data belonging to different sub-system within the same application which is writing the logs.

The first line of the log can be as below :

[composite_name: ********************] [composite_version: 1.0] [endpoint_name: *****************] JMSMessageConsumer_init:[destination = ******** (payload = 1)]:Failed to create managed connection: java.lang.ClassCastException
javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException: Failed to create managed connection: java.lang.ClassCastException

A few lines later, the log can be like below :

<JCABinding=> ************** [ ***********::insert(*******) ] Could not invoke operation 'insert' against the 'db' due to:
DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
insert failed.

--> Is it possible to parse such data within the same file ?
--> Is it possible to extract fields based on a keyword search??

For example :
If a field has some specific data as part of huge stack like : "Caused by...****"
Then I would like to extract that specific line into another field

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