Looking for some guidance on where to look for an example of how to do this properly. We have maillogs and postfix logs going into the same log file and I need to learn how to properly differentiate the logs.
So far these are the search patterns in grok that work, however, some of them are the same up to a certain point, and then there is examples where after that point, there either is, or isn't more entries:
else if ([fields][log_type] == "maillog") {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "[host]" ]
mutate {
add_field => {
"host" => "%{[beat][hostname]}"
grok {
match =>
"message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:log_server_timestamp} %{WORD:server} %{NOTSPACE:protocol}: %{WORD:action}, %{NOTSPACE}\[%{IP:ip6}:%{IP:ip}]",
"message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:log_server_timestamp} %{WORD:server} %{NOTSPACE:protocol}: %{WORD:action}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{NOTSPACE:user}, %{NOTSPACE}\[%{IP:ip6}:%{IP:ip}]",
"message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:log_server_timestamp} %{WORD:server} %{NOTSPACE:protocol}: %{WORD:action}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{NOTSPACE:user}, %{NOTSPACE}\[%{IP:ip6}:%{IP:ip}], %{NOTSPACE}\[%{INT:port}\]",
"message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:log_server_timestamp} %{WORD:server} %{NOTSPACE:protocol}: %{WORD:action}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{NOTSPACE:user}, %{NOTSPACE}\[%{IP:ip6}:%{IP:ip}], %{NOTSPACE}\[%{INT:port}\], %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:top}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:retr}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:rcvd}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:sent}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:time}",
"message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:log_server_timestamp} %{WORD:server} %{NOTSPACE:protocol}: %{WORD:action}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{NOTSPACE:user}, %{NOTSPACE}\[%{IP:ip6}:%{IP:ip}], %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:headers}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:body}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:rcvd}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:sent}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:time}, %{NOTSPACE}=%{INT:starttls}"
So the obvious example is where sometimes the logs end at port number, but sometimes they include extra information after port number.
I am trying to find the most efficient way so that when there is more information after port number, it will continue parsing rather than stopping at port number.