Partial List Of Words Match in documents

The ask is different from partial matches using n gram.

Suppose I have three documents with a field called file_content with type String (Default Full Text Search enabled)

First Document
{ _id: 1, file_content: "I love tennis and cricket"}
Second document:
{ _id: 2, file_content: "tennis and football are very popular"}
Third document:
{_id: 3, file_content" "football and cricket are originated in england"}

Now if I search with a list of words such as [tennis,cricket,football] is it possible to get following result:
{_id:1, includes; ["tennis", "cricket"]}
{_id:2, includes; ["tennis", "football"]}
{_id:1, includes; ["football", "cricket"]}

Thanks in advance,

You should take a look at bool queries and minimum_should_match.
Here is what you can do :

GET /becjit/examples/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "match": {
            "file_content": {
              "query": "tennis",
              "_name": "tennis"
          "match": {
            "file_content": {
              "query": "football",
              "_name": "football"
          "match": {
            "file_content": {
              "query": "cricket",
              "_name": "cricket"

You get only results that match 2 queries (football, cricket, tennis) or more.
Each hit got a field "matched_queries" that gives name of queries (see field "_name") that matched the document.