I have a task to implement search among some records by some different fields.
One of them - "Title" and regarding this specific field there are few demands:
- internal match (e.g. "esti" in search request should match "Testing" value);
- not strict match (e.g. "Tosting" in search request should match "Testing" value);
Another demand regarding search overall is that by default search output have to be displayed in chronological order (the later documents is - the better, there is a "CreationTime" field in document)
I have implemented first part (both internal and non-strict matches) using ngram token filter.
Second part (chronological order), implemented by using "sort" feature in search query.
My problem is that search on ngrammed field outputs to many non-relevant results
For example if request was "Computer" then output contains documents with Titles
- "Computer"
- "Compressor"
- "Company"
Those non-relevant results, ofcourse, have lower _score then documents with "Computer" in Title. But sorting by CreationTime neutralizes that so the users often see non-relevant results at the top (because they was created later).
My overall question - how can I work around this situation?
Few ways I can tell right away:
- Reimplement search technique to make it more "specific" (some how minimize redundancy of search output in the first place), so I can sort those results;
- Use some kind of factorisation (using FunctionScore compound query and use some factor based on CreatedDate (e.g. days from 2012-01-01 to CreationTime) as field value factor);
I have totally failed in both directions, so I'm asking you, guys, to help me.
Now, being more specific:
Elastic Version - 6.2.2
Index Setting\Mapping:
Search Request Sample:
Any help is hightly appreciated!