Password of the Encrypted Key for HTTP Output

Dear Elastic Community,

The version of the Logstash client is 8.5.3.

We're trying to set a Logstash-to-Logstash connection with the following settings in the pipeline of the client:

output {

 http {

   format => json_batch

   http_compression => true

   id => "id_of_the_output"

   url => "https://$logstash_server_url:$logstash_server_port"

   client_cert => "the/path/to/the/certificate"

   client_key => "the/path/to/the/key"

   cacert => "the/path/to/the/certificate/of/the/certificate_authority"



However, the private key is password-protected. What setting to use for putting the password in the pipeline?

We tried with client_key_password and client_key_passphrase without success.

Please help.

Best regards,
Milos Tepavcevic

If I'm not wrong this is not supported, there is no option to pass the passphrase for the client key.

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Have you tried with ssl_keystore_path and ssl_truststore_password?
Why are you using http? Have you tried Logstash output plugin?