Path.repo is empty

Thank you, warkolm...

But I've tried already this syntaxe and it does not work as well.

There are another two strange things that I should mention.

  1. when I do
    I could see my ES config, and indeed path.repo is absent in the conf :

"path" : {
"data" : "/var/lib/elasticsearch",
"work" : "/tmp/elasticsearch",
"home" : "/usr/share/elasticsearch",
"conf" : "/etc/elasticsearch",
"logs" : "/var/log/elasticsearch"

But the config settings is correct :

   "config" : "/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml",

So, why ES does not read path.repo settings?

  1. In Ubuntu there is also /etc/default/elasticsearch file...
    But all of settings in this file are commented, and there aren't settings for path.repo