Pb mix of indexes, using two or three conf file

Hello, I have set up two logstach pipelines via two conf files. One is going to look for an rss feed and the other one for tweets. In both, I have a different index type variable to differentiate obviously the data collected:

file : conf 1 (rss)
input {
rss {
url => "https://feeds.xxxxxxx"
interval => 84600
output {
Elasticsearch {
user => "elastic"
password => "xxxxx"
hosts => [""]
index => "rss"

file : conf 2 (twitter) :
input {
twitter {
consumer_key => "xxx"
consumer_secret => "xxxxx"
oauth_token => "xxxxxx"
oauth_token_secret => "xxxxxx"
keywords => ["xxxx", "xxxxx", "xxxx", "xxxx"]
ignore_retweets => true
full_tweet => true

filter {

Elasticsearch {
user => "elastic"
password => "xxxxx"
hosts => [""]
index => "twitter"
document_type => "tweet"

The problem is that when both conf files are in the pipeline directory, the twitter index in Elasticsearch ends up with the elements of the rss index.

I don't really understand the concern knowing that tested individually everything works.

If anyone has an idea.

Thank you.

See this answer. Tagging data at the input is just one approach. Using pipelines.yml to configure two pipelines is probably better.

It is a very common misconception that each configuration file stands alone.

Hi, thanks for your answer. The solution was
1 : add a conditionnal action when I assign an index to the output like this : if type=rss then index= rss. Otherwise logstash, even the index is assigned (without an if/then command) in the conf file, fill all of them
2 : delete the conf files in the pipeline directory and store them in another one when there is already a file within (the default one). Otherwise logstash use them twice and fill the index two times ...

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