Performance difference 1 node vs 3 nodes


I am trying to know which would be the performance improvement of running a 3 node cluster over a 1 node cluster.

In order to do this, I have installed esrally and run this way

  • esrally --distribution-version=6.0.0 // running locally on 1 node
  • esrally --distribution-version=6.0.0 --target-hosts=,,

To my surprise the results are pretty much the same, it looks as rally has run the same workload 3 times instead of 1 workload shared amongst the 3 nodes.

Is there any way to achive what I want?

I can close this topic as I run erally differently, when running it correctly it displays a significant improvement

What change did you make?

I think I was a bit confused about the results. Since there are some that improve like index append median that goes from 5500 docs/s to 12000 docs/s, wile others stay pretty much the same like index-stats that is around 100 ops/s in both

The reason for this is that we intentionally throttle the throughput so this is expected. Here is some further reading why we do this:

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