Permission issue

Hi ,
I am learning kibana and xpack. I have installed free version of ES,kibana and xpack and also done the security settings like username and password.
Now am facing permission issues in kibana. Before installing xpack i am able to POST my code in dev tools. Once i install xpack i am getting permission issue.
I try to set user role but failed to set.

When i am trying to manage roles or add new watch i am getting below error message.

(You do not have permission to manage watches.
Please contact your administrator.)

I can't Post anything by using dev tools. Below is the error i am getting when i try to POST or GET.

"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "security_exception",
"reason": "action [indices:admin/mappings/get] is unauthorized for user [kibana]"
"type": "security_exception",
"reason": "action [indices:admin/mappings/get] is unauthorized for user [kibana]"
"status": 403

Please help me to resolve this permission issue.


It looks like you have logged in to Kibana using the kibana user, which is a common mistake, but albeit a mistake. kibana user is an internal user that you configure in your kibana.yml file and that Kibana uses to connect to Elasticsearch and is not meant to be used by end users.

You can start by logging in to Kibana with the elastic superuser. It can do pretty much anything, so you can either keep on using this user or - and this is what we suggest - create new, specific users that have permissions to do as little as possible in order to satisfy your use cases and use those in order to access Kibana.

Thank you it works.

When i try to install xpack in my work PC.
Its throwing the below error. Any idea about this??

D:\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-6.2.2\bin>elasticsearch-plugin install file://D:\Xpack\
-> Downloading file://D:\Xpack\
Exception in thread "main" D
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.elasticsearch.plugins.InstallPluginCommand.downloadZip(
at org.elasticsearch.plugins.InstallPluginCommand.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.plugins.InstallPluginCommand.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.EnvironmentAwareCommand.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.mainWithoutErrorHandling(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.MultiCommand.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.mainWithoutErrorHandling(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.main(
at org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginCli.main(

elasticsearch-plugin install file:///D:/Xpack/ should be the correct command to run

Thank you so much:slight_smile:

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