Phrase Suggest - Using collate causes timeout


We're using ElasticSearch via AWS. So far we've implemented the following , which works fine

	$params = [
			'index' => 'logstash1',
			'type' => 'event',
			'body' => [
					'filtered' => [
							'query' => [
									'match' => [
											'_all' => $keyword,



					'suggest'=> [
							"text" => $keyword,
							"my-suggestion" => [

									"field" => "name",
									"size" => 3,
									"real_word_error_likelihood" => 0.5,
									"highlight" => [
											"pre_tag"=> "<em>",
          									"post_tag"=> "</em>"
									/*"collate"=> [
											"query"=> [
												"match"=> [
													"name" => "{{suggestion}}"


					'_source'=> ['id'],


However, as you can see, 'collate' within the phrase suggestion is commented out. We would like to use this feature, but when we implement it, we get a 'gateway timeout'

Have we configured something incorrectly?