We are using Phrase suggestion with below configuration. but this is returning suggestion on correct speeled words having numeric values on it.
eg: Product 2023 is giving the suggestion Product 2022 . I'm expecting to give suggestion only on misspelled words.
PFB for config details.
"suggest": { "Suggestion": { "text": "Product 2023", "phrase": { "analyzer": "trigram", "field": "spellcheck", "size": 1, "gram_size": 3, "max_errors ": 0.99, "direct_generator ": [ { "field ": "spellcheck ", "suggest_mode ": "popular ", "max_edits ": 2, "max_inspections ": 5, "max_term_freq ": 0.01, "prefix_length ": 0, "size ": 10, "min_word_length ": 0, "min_doc_freq ": 1 } ] } } }