Phrase suggester giving suggestion on correct terms containing number values

We are using Phrase suggestion with below configuration. but this is returning suggestion on correct speeled words having numeric values on it.
eg: Product 2023 is giving the suggestion Product 2022 . I'm expecting to give suggestion only on misspelled words.
PFB for config details.

  "suggest": {    "Suggestion": {      "text": "Product 2023",     "phrase": {      "analyzer": "trigram",        "field": "spellcheck",        "size": 1,        "gram_size": 3,         "max_errors ": 0.99,          "direct_generator ": [           {              "field ":  "spellcheck ",              "suggest_mode ":  "popular ",              "max_edits ": 2,              "max_inspections ": 5,              "max_term_freq ": 0.01,              "prefix_length ": 0,              "size ": 10,              "min_word_length ": 0,              "min_doc_freq ": 1           }         ]      }     }   } 

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