Phrase suggester not working term suggester is working

Is there a setting which governs if one is disabled?

I have an ES deployment where phrase suggester does not suggest anything while term suggester does.

This does not give any suggestions-

GET index_name/type/_search
"suggest": {
"text": { "projec",
"simple_phrase": {
"phrase": {
"field": "name"

Changing "phrase" to "term" starts working and gives the suggestion

GET index_name/type/_search
"suggest": {
"text": { "projec",
"simple_phrase": {
"term": {
"field": "name"

I want to use phrase suggester so I can filter the suggestions on the basis of collate query I run. So I cannot work with term suggester.

Thanks to @ishim for pointing me to the missing "confidence" param because of which suggestions were not coming.

The query should have correct confidence value to return the suggestions- (read more here)

GET index_name/type/_search
"suggest": {
"text": { "projec",
"simple_phrase": {
"phrase": {
"field": "name",

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