Pipline with convert processor

New to the stuck...
I have a relatively nested JSON flowing into elastic.
I'm using kibana for visualisation and reports.
Some of the fields are number by originating system and nature, but as they converted and flow to elastic, the mapping is created as fields of type text, so can not use them for number types aggregations such as sum.
For what I have seen so far, I have the following options:

  1. Changing the mapping so field will have the proper type (i.e float) - but, as mapping create automatically (data in the specific segment is dynamic), so changing the mapping is an issue...
  2. Create a scripted field for the index pattern, but I understand this has more resource and performance impact (yet tried it - see the issue in the following).
  3. Create a pipline with a convert processor, this seems to be the best options for my need and current understanding - the data is flowing from an app using Nest and can just creat a config to index using the pipline.

Here is a "simple" doc:
"APP_INST_ID" : "819D000C293E80D911AA2D2F1CCFBF28",
"APP_INST_NAME" : "Expense Reimbursement App_Update Expense Reimbursement-2020-01-02T09:11:43:305",
"VERSION" : "1.01",
"STATUS" : "Completed",
"LAST_MODIFIED_DATE" : "2020-01-02T09:11:43.573",
"APPL_NAME" : "Expense Reimbursement App",
"APP_INITIATOR" : "someuser",
"?xml" : {
"@version" : "1.0",
"@encoding" : "utf-8"
"ArrayOfNameValue" : {
"@xmlns:xsd" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
"@xmlns:xsi" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"NameValue" : [
"Name" : "FormSubmittedXPaths",
"Value" : {
"@xsi:type" : "xsd:string",
"#text" : """[{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ReportDate__u}","Value":"2019-09-16T17:28:15.000Z"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:EmployeeID__u}","Value":"Test"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ExpenseStatus__u}","Value":"Pending"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:FullName__u}","Value":"Test"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ExpenseDate__u}","Value":"2019-09-16T17:28:00.000Z"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ExpenseType__u}","Value":"Food"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ExpenseDescription__u}","Value":"Lunch"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:Amount__u}","Value":"7"},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:formFields/pd:Receipt_MultiFile~}","Value":{"Receipt_MultiFile":{"Receipt":[{"fileName":"","fileId":"","itemId":"","url":"","size":"","uploadedBy":"","encodedURL":""}]}}},{"Name":"{/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ReceiptFileName__u}","Value":""},{"Name":"${/pd:AP/pd:dataSource/pd:APDataEntity/pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App/pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u/pd:ID}","Value":"ed609b98-9ad8-e911-8163-0800270d7b76"}]"""
"Name" : "//",
"Value" : {
"@xsi:type" : "xsd:string",
"?xml" : {
"@version" : "1.0",
"@encoding" : "utf-8"
"pd:AP" : {
"@xmlns:pd" : "http://www.source.com/a/XMLSchema",
"pd:appFields" : null,
"pd:formFields" : {
"pd:ExpenseReimbursement__uList_ListView" : {
"pd:ExpenseReimbursement__uList" : {
"pd:Amount" : null,
"pd:EmployeeID" : null,
"pd:ExpenseDate" : null,
"pd:ExpenseDescription" : null,
"pd:ExpenseStatus" : null,
"pd:ExpenseType" : null,
"pd:FullName" : null,
"pd:ID" : null,
"pd:Quantity" : null,
"pd:ReceiptFileName" : null,
"pd:ReportDate" : null,
"pd:RowID" : null
"pd:Receipt_MultiFile" : {
"pd:Receipt" : {
"pd:fileName" : null,
"pd:fileId" : null,
"pd:itemId" : null,
"pd:url" : null,
"pd:size" : null,
"pd:uploadedBy" : null,
"pd:encodedURL" : null
"pd:dataSource" : {
"pd:APDataEntity" : {
"pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App" : {
"pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u" : {
"pd:Amount__u" : "7",
"pd:EmployeeID__u" : "Test",
"pd:ExpenseDate__u" : "2019-09-16T17:28:00.000Z",
"pd:ExpenseDescription__u" : "Lunch",
"pd:ExpenseStatus__u" : "Pending",
"pd:ExpenseType__u" : "Food",
"pd:FullName__u" : "Test",
"pd:ID" : "ed609b98-9ad8-e911-8163-0800270d7b76",
"pd:Quantity__u" : null,
"pd:ReceiptFileName__u" : null,
"pd:ReportDate__u" : "2019-09-16T17:28:15.000Z",
"pd:RowID__u" : null

I want to change pd:Amount__u to float.
Checking current:
GET /test_ingest_index/_mapping/field/APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value.pd:AP.pd:dataSource.pd:APDataEntity.pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App.pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u.pd:Amount__u
"test_ingest_index" : {
"mappings" : {
"APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value.pd:AP.pd:dataSource.pd:APDataEntity.pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App.pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u.pd:Amount__u" : {
"full_name" : "APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value.pd:AP.pd:dataSource.pd:APDataEntity.pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App.pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u.pd:Amount__u",
"mapping" : {
"pd:Amount__u" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256

Create the following pipline:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/test_pipline
"description": "converts the content of numeric fields from text to number type",
"processors" : [
"convert" : {
"field" : "APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value.pd:AP.pd:dataSource.pd:APDataEntity.pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App.pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u.pd:Amount__u",
"type": "float",
"ignore_missing": true,
"tag": "amoutprocessor"

_reindex using pipline:
POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": "test_ingest_index"
"dest": {
"index": "test_ingest_index_2",
"pipeline": "proc_inst_data_pipline"

Check again mapping for field in new index, type is still text:
"test_ingest_index_2" : {
"mappings" : {
"APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value.pd:AP.pd:dataSource.pd:APDataEntity.pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App.pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u.pd:Amount__u" : {
"full_name" : "APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value.pd:AP.pd:dataSource.pd:APDataEntity.pd:Expense_Reimbursement_App.pd:ExpenseReimbursement__u.pd:Amount__u",
"mapping" : {
"pd:Amount__u" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256

Seems like there is an issue with the path to the field, may be because of the NameValue array which requires foreach?

Also, tried a script field for the index pattern using this path, does not work as well, guess for the same reason of the path...

Any ides what am I missing?

Welcome to our community forums :)!

In what way? Do (a) the field names stay the same? Or at least (b) follow a predictable pattern? If you have absolutely no idea about the structure of the incoming data, then none of the options are going to be enough help, so I'm assuming your problem is not that complex.

If (a), you can totally set a mapping before creating the index. You'll need to create a new index and direct the app to use it. You can reindex data from the old index if need be.

If (b) you can use dynamic templates to say that any field with a name matching a pattern (like pd:Amount*) will be a float.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your problem, an ingest pipeline seems like overkill. If you know the exact name and path of a field, you can do (a) above. If the name follows a predictable pattern you can do (b) even if you don't know the exact path and level of nesting it'll be at.

Hi Emanuil,
Many thanks for the welcome and your reply!.
To answer on your questions quickly:
a. I do not know in advance the field names nor the structure.
b. They do not follow a predictable pattern.

To elaborate and some more background info:
The structure under the path of APP_AND_FORM_ATTRS.ArrayOfNameValue.NameValue.Value represent an app fields created by customers. This is completly dynamic. Each can create any number of apps with any numbers of fields, having any name and structure. The end users provide the name for the fields and cannot force them into a specific pattern (this are end users, none developers). Once an app is created, fields will keep the same as long as the app is not changed, but it can be changed at any point.
The idea is to create a seamless flow into elastic and we cannot relay on "index management" on customer side.
Thus, was going into the direction of pipeline, as can allow users to have a "configuration" settings for the fields they want to have as numbers in reports (kibana) and create the pipline.
I was looking into index template, and will look more into it - thanks, though it seems to be under the things we'de like to avoid under "index management".

Yet, looking at the issue as just as a pipline issue, and to better learn the stuck, would appreciate if you can help me understand why is the convert processing do not apply on the given sample.

Many thanks again for your reply, welcome and help.

An update > seems found the solution by just enabling the dynamic numeric detection for the index.
Any things to consider in regards?

Still, would appreciate if can point me to the issue with the mapping.

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