Possible malformed shape detected - ES 7.9.3

ES 7.9.3 throws a exception when I'm indexing this polygon.

Possible malformed shape detected.type"":""mapper_parsing_exception"",""reason"":""failed to parse field [ranges.geometry] of type [geo_shape]

polygon and the full error log can be found from this gist.

Try to fix invalid geometries using a tool like mapshaper (web or from the command line)

mapshaper \
-i test.geojson \
-clean -o format=geojson rfc7946 test.mapshaper.geojson

After that I could import the polygon into ES using Elastic Maps GeoJSON Upload without much issue

It worked. even though there were some missing information from the trimming process. but I think I can manage that. also that tool had options to make adjustments. thanks

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