Postgres streams to elastic streams


i wanted to append below object to every object in stream

my stream looks like this

  {"showname":"The X Files","episode":"04","content":"Before what?","season":"1"},
  {"showname":"The X Files","episode":"04","content":"Before what?","season":"1"},
{"showname":"The X Files","episode":"01","content":"What?","season":"1"}

what my stream should look like !

-> POST http://localhost:9200/_bulk
  {"showname":"The X Files","episode":"04","content":"Before what?","season":"1"}
  {"showname":"The X Files","episode":"04","content":"Great.","season":"1"}
  {"showname":"The X Files","episode":"01","content":"What?","season":"1"}

how can i achieve this using jsonstream in my existing belowcodebase

    var stream = new ElasticsearchWritableStream(client, {
      highWaterMark: 256,
      flushTimeout: 500
pg.connect(connectionString,function(err, client, done) {
  if(err) throw err;
  var query = new QueryStream('SELECT * FROM srt limit 2')
  var streams = client.query(query)
  //release the client when the stream is finished
  streams.on('end', done)

any other npm package which converts pgstreams directly to elastic search streams with some basic input params !

the npm packages currently i am using

  1. For bulk insertion in elasticsearch !
  2. for getting data from postgres into streams !
  3. missing piece is converting postgres streams into elastic writable streams !

any suggestion and recommendations on how to resolve this

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