Hello everyone,
I'm having a strange behaviour with my Logstash. I'm stucked on the following problem:
I had a one flow configured where I had file input and that worked brilliant.
Then I added to my flow udp input....
When I added that I started expirenced a problem with my file input. upd records was without any problems processed, but my file logs processing died. When I restarted logstash service file processing started working again. When all file was processed and deleted from folders (file_completed_action => "delete") than the new one pushed to the folder over ssh session are not processed. When logstash service is again restarted - then files are correct processed.
I decided to split to separate pipelines and divide my config to the two separated configuration files. so far so good - when file data was on the configured path works again: files was processed and upd input works fine. The 'happienes' took not too long :\ when my folder was empty from whole files and new files comes - they was not processed.
Had anyone that strange behaviour with file input? How get rid with that kind of problem?