Problem forming cluster on EC2

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on
EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN
health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client
node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please
note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port
entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the
ElasticSearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the
ElasticSearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port : 9311
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
: memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge]
bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z,
Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z,
Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master
reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge]
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status is


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards, Jonathan]
waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the
Hazelcast -> ElasticSearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name : Richards,
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index
[content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا
اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول
هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":[],"title":"Jabberwocky
fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34
PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc


Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?
On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : roundtable-qa
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type : ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type : none
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled : false
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port : 9311
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : non_loopback
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf : /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT//WEB-INF/config
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z, Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z, Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master [Sayge][RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA][inet[/]]{local=false}, reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge] roundtable-qa/RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status is GREEN


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards, Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : roundtable-qa
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled : false
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name : Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : non_loopback
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client : true
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index [content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

الخارجية إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

","region":"Al Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34 PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc updated","type":"roundTableContent","size":"131","mimetype":"text/html","_id":"571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229"}

at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$
at org.elasticsearch.timer.TimerService$ThreadedTimerTask$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Hmmm, I was under the impression that the clients didn't need to use ec2 for
discovery because local = true.

If that is not the case, how can I instruct these non-data clients to
connect to the data node running in the same VM with them?

-- jim

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Shay Banon shay.banon@elasticsearch.comwrote:

Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?

On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on
EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN
health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client
node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please
note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port
entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the
Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the
Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type
: ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port :
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge]
bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z,
Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z,
Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master
reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge]
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards,
Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the
Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name :
Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index
[content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا
اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول
هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky
fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34
PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc


When setting a node to be local, it will only work with other local nodes (discover) within the same classloader. If you already have a node started in the JVM using ec2 discovery, then you can just get the client out of it.
On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 4:27 AM, James Cook wrote:

Hmmm, I was under the impression that the clients didn't need to use ec2 for discovery because local = true.

If that is not the case, how can I instruct these non-data clients to connect to the data node running in the same VM with them?

-- jim

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Shay Banon wrote:

Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?

On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : roundtable-qa
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type : ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type : none
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled : false
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port : 9311
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : non_loopback
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf : /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT//WEB-INF/config
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z, Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z, Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master [Sayge][RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA][inet[/]]{local=false}, reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge] roundtable-qa/RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status is GREEN


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards, Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : roundtable-qa
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled : false
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name : Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : non_loopback
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client : true
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index [content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

الخارجية إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

","region":"Al Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34 PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc updated","type":"roundTableContent","size":"131","mimetype":"text/html","_id":"571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229"}

at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$
at org.elasticsearch.timer.TimerService$ThreadedTimerTask$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Is there any way for a non-data node to discover the data node (in the same
VM) without "getting the client" out of the server node?

-- jim

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Shay Banon shay.banon@elasticsearch.comwrote:

When setting a node to be local, it will only work with other local nodes
(discover) within the same classloader. If you already have a node started
in the JVM using ec2 discovery, then you can just get the client out of it.

On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 4:27 AM, James Cook wrote:

Hmmm, I was under the impression that the clients didn't need to use ec2
for discovery because local = true.

If that is not the case, how can I instruct these non-data clients to
connect to the data node running in the same VM with them?

-- jim

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Shay Banon shay.banon@elasticsearch.comwrote:

Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?

On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on
EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN
health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client
node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please
note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port
entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the
Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the
Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type
: ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port :
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge]
bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z,
Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z,
Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master
reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge]
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards,
Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the
Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name :
Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index
[content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا
اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول
هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky
fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34
PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc


No. Note that local simply uses statics, so you can do the "static" yourself.
On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 8:45 PM, James Cook wrote:

Is there any way for a non-data node to discover the data node (in the same VM) without "getting the client" out of the server node?

-- jim

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Shay Banon wrote:

When setting a node to be local, it will only work with other local nodes (discover) within the same classloader. If you already have a node started in the JVM using ec2 discovery, then you can just get the client out of it.

On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 4:27 AM, James Cook wrote:

Hmmm, I was under the impression that the clients didn't need to use ec2 for discovery because local = true.

If that is not the case, how can I instruct these non-data clients to connect to the data node running in the same VM with them?

-- jim

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Shay Banon wrote:

Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?

On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : roundtable-qa
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type : ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type : none
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled : false
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port : 9311
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : non_loopback
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf : /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT//WEB-INF/config
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z, Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z, Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master [Sayge][RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA][inet[/]]{local=false}, reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge] roundtable-qa/RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status is GREEN


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards, Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : roundtable-qa
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled : false
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name : Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : non_loopback
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client : true
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index [content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

الخارجية إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

","region":"Al Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34 PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc updated","type":"roundTableContent","size":"131","mimetype":"text/html","_id":"571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229"}

at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$
at org.elasticsearch.timer.TimerService$ThreadedTimerTask$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Loose coupling demands that I can't share these instances using ThreadLocal
or similar.

So, if I had to, couldn't the non-data node use EC2 discovery to locate the
data node in the same VM, or does it now work that way?

-- jim

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Shay Banon shay.banon@elasticsearch.comwrote:

No. Note that local simply uses statics, so you can do the "static"

On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 8:45 PM, James Cook wrote:

Is there any way for a non-data node to discover the data node (in the same
VM) without "getting the client" out of the server node?

-- jim

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Shay Banon shay.banon@elasticsearch.comwrote:

When setting a node to be local, it will only work with other local nodes
(discover) within the same classloader. If you already have a node started
in the JVM using ec2 discovery, then you can just get the client out of it.

On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 4:27 AM, James Cook wrote:

Hmmm, I was under the impression that the clients didn't need to use ec2
for discovery because local = true.

If that is not the case, how can I instruct these non-data clients to
connect to the data node running in the same VM with them?

-- jim

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Shay Banon shay.banon@elasticsearch.comwrote:

Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?

On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on
EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN
health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client
node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please
note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port
entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the
Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the
Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type
: ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled :
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port :
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 -
transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge]
bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z,
Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request:
POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances,
SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version:
2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z,
Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful
response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master
reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge]
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge]
{elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards,
Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards,
Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the
Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled :
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name :
Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client :
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - :
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 -
transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index
[content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا
اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول
هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky
fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34
PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc


Yes, you can use EC2 discovery on the non data node as well. It will discover the other nodes, among them is the node that lives in the same VM.
On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 8:53 PM, James Cook wrote:

Loose coupling demands that I can't share these instances using ThreadLocal or similar.

So, if I had to, couldn't the non-data node use EC2 discovery to locate the data node in the same VM, or does it now work that way?

-- jim

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Shay Banon wrote:

No. Note that local simply uses statics, so you can do the "static" yourself.

On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 8:45 PM, James Cook wrote:

Is there any way for a non-data node to discover the data node (in the same VM) without "getting the client" out of the server node?

-- jim

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Shay Banon wrote:

When setting a node to be local, it will only work with other local nodes (discover) within the same classloader. If you already have a node started in the JVM using ec2 discovery, then you can just get the client out of it.

On Monday, December 13, 2010 at 4:27 AM, James Cook wrote:

Hmmm, I was under the impression that the clients didn't need to use ec2 for discovery because local = true.

If that is not the case, how can I instruct these non-data clients to connect to the data node running in the same VM with them?

-- jim

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Shay Banon wrote:

Does the client also uses ec2 discovery?

On Friday, December 10, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James Cook wrote:

Using ES 0.11.1

I start two nodes up with different configurations in two separate VMs on EC2. The master is a data node and seems to start properly, with GREEN health. (There is no gateway specified at the moment.) However, the client node (client = true, data = false) cannot discover the master.

I've attached a log dump with the settings specified for each node. Please note that I use one file for dev and qa modes, so you may see http.port entry even though http.enabled is false.

Can anyone see my problem?


12:42:20,508 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 39 - Starting the Elasticsearch server node:
12:42:20,593 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:20,614 INFO main plugins: 78 - [Sayge] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:24,162 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:24,162 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 45 - Creating the Elasticsearch server node with these settings:
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA
12:42:24,163 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - :
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : roundtable-qa
12:42:24,164 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - discovery.type : ec2
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.s3.bucket : es-gateway-qa
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - gateway.type : none
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.enabled : false
12:42:24,165 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - http.port : 9311
12:42:24,168 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : memory
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - name : Sayge
12:42:24,169 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : non_loopback
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.client : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : true
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - node.local : false
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.conf : /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT//WEB-INF/config
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:42:24,170 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:42:24,171 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 50 - transport.tcp.port : 9310
12:42:24,172 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:24,291 INFO main transport: 78 - [Sayge] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:42:24,770 INFO thread-1 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:24.322Z, Signature: bM5+/QBvScpGDEeW9jkNQiUK7Bks1fZ6+vooWPMvfDs=, )
12:42:24,956 INFO thread-1 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: c3eb3e78-56ad-4109-a097-ad489eb6d786
12:42:28,047 INFO thread-3 request: 166 - Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (Action: DescribeInstances, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: AKIAJVHHVYQPNX5XMAGA, Version: 2010-08-31, SignatureVersion: 2, Timestamp: 2010-12-10T20:42:28.045Z, Signature: Ulsl0E6EQH+MMWdqTbom6Px9JAtwPXkX6D/8og42Exo=, )
12:42:28,135 INFO thread-3 request: 438 - Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: ffbf245e-2cef-4895-bc6d-2d0934f3d1ff
12:42:28,159 INFO thread-1 service: 78 - [Sayge] new_master [Sayge][RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA][inet[/]]{local=false}, reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
12:42:28,172 INFO main discovery: 78 - [Sayge] roundtable-qa/RFbhogAAT120h5LtEkrvtA
12:42:28,175 INFO main node: 78 - [Sayge] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:42:28,185 INFO main ElasticSearchServer: 77 - ES cluster status is GREEN


12:42:33,571 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initializing ...
12:42:33,659 INFO thread-1 plugins: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] loaded [cloud-aws]
12:42:33,894 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: initialized
12:42:33,895 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: starting ...
12:42:33,898 INFO thread-1 transport: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
12:43:03,866 WARN thread-1 discovery: 86 - [Richards, Jonathan] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
12:43:03,867 INFO thread-1 discovery: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] roundtable-qa/rzmrRlSgQtenioaG43SLkg
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 node: 78 - [Richards, Jonathan] {elasticsearch/0.13.1}[4229]: started
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 29 - Creating the Hazelcast -> Elasticsearch client.
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : roundtable-qa
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - http.enabled : false
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.lowercase : true
12:43:03,868 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.pattern : [@.]
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.stopwords : none
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_regex.type : pattern
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.tokenizer : letter
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.email_split.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.filter.0 : lowercase
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.tokenizer : keyword
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.lowercase_keyword.type : custom
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.char_filter.0 : html_strip
12:43:03,869 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.0 : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.1 : lowercase
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.2 : stop
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.filter.3 : porterStem
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.tokenizer : standard
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - index.analysis.analyzer.porter_standard.type : custom
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - name : Richards, Jonathan
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : non_loopback
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.client : true
12:43:03,870 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - node.local : false
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/data
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.data_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/data/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.home : /var/opt/roundtable
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.logs : /var/opt/roundtable/logs
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - : /var/opt/roundtable/work
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - path.work_with_cluster : /var/opt/roundtable/work/roundtable-qa
12:43:03,871 INFO thread-1 icSearchClientHolder: 34 - transport.tcp.port : 9312-9349
12:44:04,101 WARN thread-1 lasticSearchListener: 215 - Failed to index [content], type [571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229], value:

الخارجية إستسلاماً مع

واشتدّت, ذلك تم بغزو إحتلال الحدود, ثم أما تصفح خصوصا اليابانية. دنو فقامت بوزيرها للأراضي إذ, حرب صفحة والجنود ما, ان الى حقول هجوم للصين. قد غينيا الشرقي العالم لكل, هو

","region":"Al Bahah","author":"James Cook","categories":,"title":"Jabberwocky fragment","reviewStatus":"Published","modified":"Jun 30, 2010 4:40:34 PM","created":"Jun 29, 2010 11:06:29 AM","description":"desc updated","type":"roundTableContent","size":"131","mimetype":"text/html","_id":"571619d0d2c44e6ba4be54780db45229"}

at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$
at org.elasticsearch.timer.TimerService$ThreadedTimerTask$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$