Problem setting "data" type

Hello everyone!
I'm trying to index a .csv file with Logstash.
One of the field of the file is a string that rappresent a date ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), and i want to convert this field into a date type at the momento of uploading.
The filter i'm using is:

match => ["logdate", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"]
mutate {convert => ["start", "date"]}

but it's not working, it upload the "start" field as a string.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Unless configured otherwise with the target option the date filter writes the parsed timestamp to the @timestamp field.

and how do I use the target option to configure it?
thank you so much!

Set the date filter's target option to "start".

Note that the start field in your index has already been mapped as a string. Once set, the mapping of a field in an index can't be changed. If possible, delete the index and start over.

it worked!
thank you so much!

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