Problem with deleted documents

Sorry for the silly question, but it is possible to delete Elasticsearch documents forever?

I'm in the migration process 1.7 -> 2.3 and when I run the migration plugin all my indices were listed with fields with dots. After analysis, I identified these fields with dots were generated by a plugin installed on my Graylog server and that has no more use for me.

Instead of bothering to rename these fields, I decided to go for something more practical and delete all documents with these fields.

So I ran:

    for i in `curl -s -XGET localhost:9200/_all/ | jq -r "keys[]"`; do
        echo -n "Excluindo JMX do índice $i: "
        curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/$i/_query?q=label:JMX


#curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
health status index       pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   graylog2_2    3   1   19925062        75050     15.7gb          7.8gb
green  open   graylog2_5    3   1   20001004         6792     18.3gb          9.1gb
green  open   graylog2_21   3   1   19952265        48034     17.3gb          8.6gb
green  open   graylog2_34   3   1   19968203        32270     17.9gb          8.9gb
green  open   graylog2_26   3   1   19950723        50344     17.5gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_6    3   1   19976215        24772     18.3gb          9.1gb
green  open   graylog2_29   3   1   19962504        37908     17.9gb          8.9gb
green  open   graylog2_27   3   1   19953287        47122     17.5gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_10   3   1   19928390        71802     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_25   3   1   19950258        51176     17.5gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_0    3   1   19980897        19551       15gb          7.5gb
green  open   graylog2_33   3   1   19965352        35020     17.8gb          8.9gb
green  open   graylog2_35   3   1   18677635        40233     17.1gb          8.4gb
green  open   graylog2_9    3   1   19958295        42350     17.2gb          8.6gb
green  open   graylog2_24   3   1   19956467        44080     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_18   3   1   19956737        45109     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_12   3   1   19955303        44811     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_8    3   1   19956070        44784     17.9gb          8.9gb
green  open   graylog2_15   3   1   19926718        74654     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_17   3   1   19957205        42997     17.3gb          8.6gb
green  open   graylog2_4    3   1   19988129        13418       18gb            9gb
green  open   graylog2_7    3   1   19955716        45062     17.8gb          8.9gb
green  open   graylog2_11   3   1   19945574        56475       18gb            9gb
green  open   graylog2_22   3   1   19965180        38857     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_31   3   1   19957684        43390     17.6gb          8.8gb
green  open   graylog2_28   3   1   19960169        41356     17.3gb          8.6gb
green  open   graylog2_16   3   1   19953562        46613     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_13   3   1   19946695        54502     17.5gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_32   3   1   19958744        41386     17.7gb          8.8gb
green  open   graylog2_19   3   1   19958161        43828     17.5gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_1    3   1    4529877         4007      3.5gb          1.7gb
green  open   graylog2_20   3   1   19957822        43082     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_3    3   1    4458723         7190      3.5gb          1.7gb
green  open   graylog2_14   3   1   19955648        45826     17.4gb          8.7gb
green  open   graylog2_23   3   1   19957960        43160     17.3gb          8.6gb
green  open   graylog2_30   3   1   19960653        40325     17.8gb          8.9gb

... and finally:

#curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_optimize?only_expunge_deletes=true

When I do a search on Graylog, I can not find these documents anymore. Great! But when I run the migration plugin again, it keeps warning that I own fields with dots and are the same fields.

Where did I go wrong?

The mapping is not updated (and you can't update it to remove a field).

That's why you have that.

You need to reindex in another index.
If you are using rolling indices, then just remove old indices and don't create non fields in the new ones.

Fields are forever, unfortunately. You have to move to a new index that
doesn't have them.

Thanks guys, I got it!

But the problem is... I did not create any of these indices, all of them were created by the application, such as Kibana does.
I have no idea how to do this. Fear of losing data...