Problem with German charater ß

I added a document to my index with the name abcß. Then I tried to read the data with a query over postman:

{"query":"SELECT *, id FROM sapalink_fi WHERE name = 'abcß' and (repository='rfHN5c3RlbXwxfFNGfC8=') AND (metatype='addocument')"}

I got this error:

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"line 1:119: missing ')' at '<EOF>'"}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"line 1:119: missing ')' at '<EOF>'"},"status":400}

When I try the same query with ö
{"query":"SELECT *, id FROM sapalink_fi WHERE name = 'abcö' and (repository='rfHN5c3RlbXwxfFNGfC8=') AND (metatype='addocument')"}

then I got a correct result.

I have no idea what could be wrong.


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