Problem with parentheses


stmt1 :- I need to search text inside parentheses only if user specifies otherwise inside parentheses not searchable.

tried sol: used whitespace analyser and if parentheses in string then string passing like '\8(1)'

search text : Rights Act, 1933 — Section 8(1)
Document : Womens Rights Act, 1933 — Section 4, 8(1)
Results: 1 results found -- correct

stmt2:- search text does not contain parentheses but document contain parentheses needs to find doc
search text : Rights Act, 1933 — Section 8
Document : Womens Rights Act, 1933 — Section 4, 8(1)
Results: 0 results found -- incorrect

In this scenario i need to find document. (i am not able to use standard analyser bcoz i dont want find any thing inside parentheses until they specify.)

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