Probleme with helm-es-security

hello I have installed this helm chart :

I am trying to enable the security on it so I did what's recommanded in the documentation :

kubectl create secret generic elastic-credentials --from-literal=password=changeme --from-literal=username=elastic

Error from server (AlreadyExists): secrets "elastic-credentials" already exists

kubectl create secret generic elastic-certificates --from-file=elastic-certificates.p12

Error from server (AlreadyExists): secrets "elastic-certificates" already exists

kubectl delete secrets elastic-credentials elastic-certificates elastic-certificate-pem || true &&
vault read -field=value secret/devops-ci/helm-charts/elasticsearch/security/certificates | base64 --decode > elastic-certificates.p12 &&
vault read -field=value secret/devops-ci/helm-charts/elasticsearch/security/certificate-pem | base64 --decode > elastic-certificate.pem &&
kubectl create secret generic elastic-credentials --from-literal=password=changeme --from-literal=username=elastic &&
kubectl create secret generic elastic-certificates --from-file=elastic-certificates.p12 &&
kubectl create secret generic elastic-certificate-pem --from-file=elastic-certificate.pem &&
rm -f elastic-certificates.p12 elastic-certificate.pem
secret "elastic-credentials" deleted
secret "elastic-certificates" deleted
secret "elastic-certificate-pem" deleted
/bin/sh: 2: vault: not found
/bin/sh: 3: vault: not found
secret/elastic-credentials created
secret/elastic-certificates created
secret/elastic-certificate-pem created
helm upgrade --wait --timeout=600 --install --values security.yml helm-es-security ../ ;
Error: "helm-es-security" has no deployed releases
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: "helm-es-security" has no deployed releases
Makefile:8: recipe for target 'install' failed

when I try to run the make file I have this error.

can someone please help me I was trying to enable the xpack more then a week now and nothing new still having multiple errors, by the way I did a fresh installation of the elasticsearch chart.

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