I trying to install an Elasticsearch server in a Centos7 using tar.gz distribution.
I'm using systemctl as mechanism to start elasticsearch and i configured all file locations in my new structure.
The problem appear when i try to configure the variable CONF_DIR. In my configuration directory, i have 3 files and 1 subdirectory:
- elasticsearch.yml
- jvm.options
- log4j2.properties
- /scritps
When I start elasticsearch, the configuration inside elasticsearch.yml and log4j2.properties it's read, but not for jvm.options.
For this file, prevails the configuration existing in EL_HOME/config/jvm.options.
I suspect that the problem is in file /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service, that's contain the variable;
somehow this configuration use the jvm options declared in EL_HOME/config/jvm.options instead of the variables configured in file declared in CONF_DIR
Note: I use EL_HOME to hide the real path.
Somebody have any idea to delegate jvm.options configuration outside?